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Post Your Candle Riddle Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Candle Riddle of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. What do you call a candle that loves to play pranks? A wick-ed joker!

2. What do you get when you cross a candle with a cookie? A wafer-flame!

3. Why did the candle refuse to light up? It was feeling a bit burnt out.

4. What do you call a candle that can't decide which scent to choose? A waxy indecisive!

5. What did the candle say when it got turned off suddenly? "Wick-le me not!"

6. Why did the candle start singing? It felt like it was on fire!

7. What do you call a group of candles that sing in harmony? A melodic wick choir!

8. Why did the candle feel sad? It was feeling a bit wick-ed down.

9. Why did the candle end up with a bad grade? It didn't wick the test.

10. What's a candle's favorite time of the day? Wick-tastic hour!

11. What did the candle say to the matchstick? "You light up my world!"

12. What do you get when you give a candle a cracker? A wacky snack!

13. Why did the candle go to school? To learn how to wick up knowledge.

14. What do you call a fancy candle that loves to dress up? A wick-drobe diva!

15. Why did the candle feel like a superhero? It could light up the dark!

16. What do you call a candle that loves to dance? A flicker-footed flame!

17. What did the candle say when it got lit up for the first time? "Wick-yay!"

18. Why did the candle feel lazy? It didn't want to wick up early.

19. What do you call a candle that's always in a hurry? A wick-ed fast light.

20. What did the candle say when it saw its reflection? "That's wick-actly me!"

21. What do you get when you cross a candle with a bird? A wick-en-feather!

22. Why did the candle go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit wick-ish.

23. What do you call a candle that can't stop talking? A wick-ed chatterbox.

24. Why did the candle feel dizzy? There was too much wick-ulation!

25. What do you get when you cross a candle with a plant? A wick-ed leafy flame!

26. Why did the candle feel like a celebrity? It had a big wick-stagram following.

27. What do you call a candle that's really clumsy? A wick-ed butterfingers!

28. Why did the candle feel angry? It couldn't wick the heat.

29. What do you get when you cross a candle with a dinosaur? A wick-ed velociraptor!

30. Why did the candle feel like royalty? It had a wick-crown!

31. What do you call a candle that's always on the move? A wick-ed globetrotter!

32. Why did the candle feel nervous? It was afraid of getting wick-ed off.

33. What do you call a candle that's always telling ghost stories? A wick-ed spookster!

34. Why did the candle feel like a superhero team? It had a sidekick wick.

35. What do you get when you cross a candle with a snowflake? A wick-ed winter wonderland!

36. Why did the candle feel frustrated? It couldn't wick up a solution.

37. What do you call a candle that's always up for an adventure? A wick-ed explorer!

38. Why did the candle feel happy? It had a wick-torious day!

39. What do you get when you cross a candle with a book? A wick-ed tale!

40. Why did the candle feel like a magician? It could create wick-ed illusions!

41. What do you call a candle that's always making everyone laugh? A wick-ed funnyman!

42. Why did the candle feel sleepy? It was wick-ed tired.

43. What do you get when you cross a candle with a star? A wick-ed celestial light!

44. Why did the candle feel like a champion? It had a wick-ing spirit!

45. What do you call a candle that's always meditating? A wick-ed Zen master!

46. Why did the candle feel adventurous? It liked to wick out of the box!

47. What do you get when you cross a candle with a cupcake? A wick-ed sweet treat!

48. Why did the candle feel like a detective? It had a wick-ed sense of mystery.

49. What do you call a candle that's always telling jokes? A wick-ed punster!

50. Why did the candle feel like a philosopher? It had a wick-ed deep thought.
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