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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Post Your Egg Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Egg Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. Why did the egg cross the road? To get to the frying pan on the other side.

2. What did the fertilized egg say to the sperm? I’ve got you under my shell.

3. Why did the egg break up with the bacon? Because it kept beating it too hard.

4. What do you call an egg that’s gone bad? An eggzema.

5. What happens when you tell an egg a joke? It cracks up.

6. What do you call an egg from outer space? An egg-stra-terrestrial.

7. What did the egg say when it won a gold medal at the Olympics? Egg-cellent.

8. What is an egg’s favorite TV show? Yolk-tube.

9. What do you get when you cross a chicken and an egg? A sunny side up poultrygeist.

10. Why did the egg go to school? To get eggucated.

11. What do you call an egg in a black suit? An eggsutive.

12. Why did the egg refuse to dance? It didn’t want to crack up.

13. What do you call an egg that can drive a car? An egg-cabdriver.

14. Why did the egg apply for a loan? It wanted to hatch a business.

15. What do you call a group of eggs playing music? An orchestra-shell.

16. Why did the egg take a nap? It was egg-zhausted.

17. What do you call an egg that’s good at math? An egg-spert.

18. Why did the egg go to the gym? To get egg-sercise.

19. What do you call an egg that’s always complaining? An egg-gravator.

20. How does an egg say hello? Egg-stremely glad to meet you.

21. What do you call a shy egg? An eggs-clusive.

22. Why did the egg go on a diet? To try to get over the shell-fie era.

23. What do you call an egg that tells jokes? A yolksman.

24. Why did the egg go to the casino? To try its luck at roulette-lette.

25. What do you call a scared egg? An eggs-ecutive that’s afraid of making decisions.

26. Why did the egg join the circus? Because it wanted to be egg-straordinary.

27. What do you call an egg that’s always thinking about the future? An eggstropreneur.

28. Why did the egg roll down the hill? To get a little egg-ercise.

29. What do you call an egg that’s sleeping? A slumber-egg.

30. Why did the egg get a ticket? It was egg-sceeding the speed limit.

31. What do you call an egg that’s good at basketball? A slam-dunk egg.

32. Why did the egg go to the dentist? It had a rotten egg tooth.

33. Why did the egg go to the art museum? To admire some egg-quisite paintings.

34. What do you call a clock that’s made of eggs? A tick-tock egg-shped clock.

35. Why did the egg get a job as a private investigator? It was a hard-boiled detective.

36. What do you call an egg that’s getting married? An eggs-pectant bride.

37. Why did the egg take a language class? To work on its egg-sent.

38. What do you call an egg that’s always in a hurry? An egg-spress.

39. Why did the egg dress up in a tutu? It wanted to join the ballet.

40. What do you call an egg that’s always trying new things? An egg-splorer.

41. Why did the egg go to Hollywood? To star in its own egg-siting film.

42. What do you call an egg that’s always singing? A shell-auditioner.

43. Why did the egg break up with the cheese? It was too cheesy.

44. What do you call an egg that’s always careful? An egg-vigilant.

45. Why did the egg go to the beach? To get a little egg-sposure.

46. What do you call an egg that’s always in a hurry? Egg-zact.

47. Why did the egg want to become a comedian? To tell some egg-ceptional jokes.

48. What do you call an egg with a head cold? An egg-spectorant.

49. Why did the egg delete its social media account? It was tired of all the egg-spam.

50. What do you call a group of eggs that are always gossiping? An egg-chamber of secrets.
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