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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Baby Tree In A Mirror Riddle

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Crushed Angle Riddle

A Rectangle (wrecked angle)
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Dividing A Pumpkin Riddle

Pumpkin pi.
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Cutting Cake Riddle

Hint: This way of cutting cake is not used very often as it is not particularly useful but three cuts are really enough.
Four parts in two cuts are easy.

Now just cut the cake horizontally (split the bottom and top part).
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Mathematicians And Ice Cream Riddle

In a cone
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Always Right Riddle

A right angle
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The Sides Of A Circle

Two. The inside and the outside.
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Crop Circles Riddle

A Protractor
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Chocolate Pie Riddle

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A Member Of The Quadrilateral Family

I am a square.
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Post Your Geometry Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Geometry Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!

2. Why is an obtuse angle always so upset? Because it's never right!

3. Why did the triangle refuse to share its secrets? Because they were acute angles!

4. Why did the circle break up with the square? Because it found a better circumference!

5. Why did the geometry teacher break up with the algebra teacher? Because together they were too square!

6. Why did the math textbook go on a diet? To reduce its weight problems!

7. Why did the right triangle go to the beach? To catch some rays!

8. Why did the triangle go to the doctor? Because it was feeling acute-pain!

9. What do you call an angle that likes to play cards? A true-dealer!

10. Why did the circle go to the therapist? To find a radius of happiness!

11. Why did the math teacher make the class do jumping jacks? To get them to get their heart rate up!

12. Why did the parallelogram keep bumping into people? Because it had no direction!

13. Why did the cube start a band? Because it was good at square-riffs!

14. Why did the three-dimensional figure start working out? To get more volume!

15. What do you call an angle that likes to travel? A globetrotter!

16. Why did the circle get a divorce? Because it couldn't find a common arc!

17. Why did the obtuse angle misbehave in class? It never had a degree of discipline!

18. Why did the geometry teacher get arrested? For trying to square the circle!

19. Why did the triangle start a restaurant? Because it had all the right angles!

20. Why was the geometry textbook afraid of its cover? Because it judged it by its title!

21. Why did the math teacher love fractions? Because they always made things better!

22. Why did the scalene triangle move out of its house? Because it wasn't congruent with the neighborhood!

23. Why did the circle get a tattoo? To show off its perfect circumference!

24. Why did the square get a restraining order? Because the circle was always around!

25. Why did the rectangle throw a party? To celebrate its right angles!

26. Why did the math teacher hate winter? Because it always gave students heart-cold problems!

27. Why did the isosceles triangle go to the chiropractor? It had a symmetry-realignment!

28. Why did the triangle go to the tailor? To get a scalene suit!

29. Why did the regular polygon go to the therapist? Because it had too many points to process!

30. Why is the cylinder a great motivational speaker? Because it always pumps things up!

31. Why did the hexagon get lost in the forest? It couldn't find its way around its sides!

32. Why did the math teacher love Halloween? Because it's all about angles and shapes!

33. Why did the parallelogram start recycling? To conserve its parallelogreen!

34. Why did the sphere always throw great parties? It knew how to sphere up the good times!

35. Why did the octagon feel so happy? Because it had all its sides covered!

36. Why did the math teacher have a favorite angle? Because it was just right!

37. Why did the cone always get the last word? Because it had a perfect point to make!

38. Why did the triangle start talking to itself? It was trying to work through its trilateral issues!

39. Why did the rectangle become a lifeguard? It knew all about right angles in the water!

40. Why did the geometry teacher go to the zoo? To study the animal angles!

41. Why did the circle love wearing hats? Because it always had the perfect diameter!

42. Why did the parallelogram feel like an outsider? Because it was never a square!

43. Why did the math teacher always include word problems? To keep the class on its toes!

44. Why was the cylinder always invited to parties? It always knew how to roll in with the right energy!

45. Why did the octagon go to the pet store? To buy some fish for its aquarium-shaped home!

46. Why did the polygon break up with the circle? It couldn't handle the lack of corners!

47. Why did the triangle love eating ice cream? Because it was always acute treat!

48. Why did the parallelogram fail the driving test? It couldn't stay in the lane of symmetry!

49. Why did the math teacher love fruit? Because they loved to divide and conquer!

50. Why was the square always so content? It had four perfect angles of happiness!
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