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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Fighting In A Truel

Hint: Think from the points of view of Mr. Gray and Mr. White, not just Mr. Black.
He should shoot at the ground.

If Mr. Black shoots the ground, it is Mr. Gray's turn. Mr. Gray would rather shoot at Mr. White than Mr. Black, because he is better. If Mr. Gray kills Mr. White, it is just Mr. Black and Mr. Gray left, giving Mr. Black a fair chance of winning. If Mr. Gray does not kill Mr. White, it is Mr. White's turn. He would rather shoot at Mr. Gray and will definitely kill him. Even though it is now Mr. Black against Mr. White, Mr. Black has a better chance of winning than before.
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100 Blank Cards Riddle

Hint: Perhaps thinking in terms of one deck is the wrong approach.

A sample strategy:
Divide the deck in half and turn over all lower 50 cards, setting aside the highest number you find. Then turn over the other 50 cards, one by one, until you reach a number that is higher than the card you set aside: this is your chosen "high card."

Now, there is a 50% chance that the highest card is contained in the top 50 cards (it is or it isn't), and a 50% chance that the second-highest card is contained in the lower 50. Combining the probabilities, you have a 25% chance of constructing the above situation (in which you win every time).

This means that you'll lose three out of four games, but for every four games played, you pay $40 while you win one game and $50. Your net profit every four games is $10.

Obviously, you have to have at least $40 to start in order to apply this strategy effectively.
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Born In London Riddle

Because he is still alive!
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Fruity Smooches Riddle

It puckered up!
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Eaten Piece By Piece

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Add Some Butter

Ear of corn
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What Am I To Teresa?

Hint: "My daughter's mother"
C. Daughter
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Hunter Polar Bear Riddle

He starts at at the NORTH POLE.

This means he walks south for a mile, but when he heads east for a mile he's just walking round in part of a circle, and stays one mile from the North pole. Therefore he only has to walk a mile north to get back!

So what color is the bear? It has to be a polar bear, so it's WHITE!
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With Thieves I Consort Riddle

The letter V
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A Drunk Man Comes Home Riddle

The answer to this riddle is in the statement itself. If you read the first statement, you shall get the answer.

The 1st statement says: A drunk man comes home and finds his wife in the bed with another man

Here a drunk man come to home. So as per the statement, the man is already drunk and he had to open the bottle first to get drunk.

Therefore, Bottle is the correct answer to the A drunk man comes home riddle.
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At A Four Legged Table Riddle

There are 10 legs under the table in total. We have a grandmother (a mother), her daughter (both a mother and a daughter) and her granddaughter (a daughter and granddaughter) hence how we have the number of mothers and daughters sat around the table.
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