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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Man Born Before His Father Riddle

His father was in front of him when he was born, therefore he was born before him. His mother died while giving birth to him. Finally, he grew up to be a minister and married his sister at her ceremony.
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Spider-Man Online Riddle

On the world wide web.
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Superman's Pooper Man Riddle

Because it was his duty!
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The Mandm Factory Riddle

She was throwing away all the W's...
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Shoe Man Whistle

The third equation has a term with a pair of whistles. The last line involves a single whistle.

Furthermore, the man in the second and third lines are wearing a whistle, but the man in the last line is not wearing a whistle. Presumably the value of the whistle should be accounted for to get the correct answer.

The pictures can be translated into the following equations:

shoes + shoes + shoes = 30
shoes + (man + whistle) + (man + whistle) = 20
(man + whistle) + 2(whistles) + 2(whistles) = 13
shoes + (man) x (whistle) = ?

From the first equation we can solve for the shoes value:

shoes + shoes + shoes = 30
3(shoes) = 30
shoes = 10

We can then solve the second equation for the (man + whistle) value:

shoes + (man + whistle) + (man + whistle) = 20
10 + 2(man + whistle) = 20
2(man + whistle) = 10
man + whistle = 5

Then we solve the third equation for the whistle:

(man + whistle) + 2(whistles) + 2(whistles) = 13
5 + 4(whistles) = 13
4(whistles) = 8
whistle = 2

We also need to solve for the value of the man:

man + whistle = 5
man + 2 = 5
man = 3

Now we can evaluate the final expression, remembering the order of operations that multiplication should be evaluated before addition:

shoes + (man) x (whistle) = ?

10 + 3 x 2
= 10 + 3 x 2
= 10 + 6
= 16
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Albatross Boat Riddle

The two men were stranded out in the ocean with a third man when they were beginning to stave. When an albatross landed on their life boat and died they finally had food but it was not enough to feed all three of them. They drew straws and the looser was killed and eaten. They mixed up the human meat and the albatross meat so neither person would know what they were eating. After being rescued, the friends went to eat real Albatross and the man who killed himself realized that he was the one that ate his friend.
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Hit By A Bus Riddle

The man had been on a cruise with his wife. They had shipwrecked on a deserted island, and the mans wife had died. The people on the island were starving. One day the people brought some food to the man, saying that it was an albatross they had shot. When the man went to the restaurant and tasted the albatross, he realized that what he had eaten before must not have been albatross at all. He realized that he had likely eaten his wife. The thought made him so upset that he dashed out into the road without looking for traffic.
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The Glass Of Water Riddle

The man had the hiccoughs, and waiter scared them out of him.
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Three Men On A Boat

Hint: They have to use the boat.
They throw one cigarette overboard and made the boat a cigarette lighter.
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How Many Pieces Of Chicken?

After 6 all numbers divisible by 3 can be ordered (because they can all be expressed as a sum of 6's and 9's). After 26, all numbers divisible by three when subtracted by 20 can be obtained. After 46, all numbers divisible by three when subtracted by 40 can be obtained. After 46, all numbers fit into one of these 3 categories, so all numbers can be obtained. 43 is the last number that doesn't fall into one of these categories (44 = 20 + 6 * 4, 45 = 6 * 6 + 9).
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How Did He Know?

It was a bright and sunny day.
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A Nose That Grows

For every pair of a truth and a lie his nose will shrink to 75 percent of its previous size prior to this truth and lie. So the correct answer is 0. As the number of times he tells a lie and the truth ((3/4)n) approaches infinity the length of his nose approaches 0.
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How Old Could He Be?

He was 44 years old.

From the question you know the man died between 1900 and 1940. We also know his age at death (x) is one twenty-ninth of the year of his birth (29x). If you add his age at death to the year he was born you get the year he died (30x). Only one year between 1900 and 1940 is divisible by 30, 1920 (the year he died). The year he was born can now be found: 1920 * (29/30) = 1856. So in 1900 he was (1900 - 1856) = 44 years old.
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Who Are These Men?

A Catcher and Umpire.
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Who Was The Murderer

The maid, there is no mail on Sunday.
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