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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Penguin Pop Star Riddle

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Starts With E Riddle

Envelope. Eye is a potential alternative. When spoken out loud it sounds like a single letter (I).
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I Visit You Every Night Riddle

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Start With M And End With X Riddle

A mailbox
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I Live Above A Star Riddle

Number 7 on a phone keypad.
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What Starts With P And Ends With E Riddle

Post Office is the correct answer to this riddle

A post office is a public department that offers mail-related services such as letters, money orders, postage stamps, etc.
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I Come At The Start Of Rocket Riddle

The letter R
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McDonalds Riddle

Hint: The key is to first determine how much each item is worth. The drink is clearly worth 10, and it's apparent from the second line that the burgers are worth five.
Pictures of the fries are each worth two, but you have to keep in mind that each individual packet of fries is worth one when you get to the next line. That has baited people into thinking, incorrectly, that the last line is 5 + 2 x 10.

The fourth line has also thrown many people off because it involves order of operations after already including the tricky single packet of fries.

Multiplication comes before addition, so you have to multiply one packet of fries by one drink and then add that to one burger. Thus, 5 + (1x10) = 15.
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No Girl Name Start With A And Ends A Riddle

No such names starts with capital "A" and ends with capital "A."
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Star Wars Banquet Riddle

Use the forks.
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Dangerous Chemicals Riddle

Hint: This is a real chemical. Think about everything that is being said.
No one does anything about it because the chemical is water.
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Lakes And Boats Riddle

When the boats meet for the first time, they have sailed a combined distance that is equal to one length of the lake. When they meet the second time, they have sailed 3 lengths. The elapsed time and the distance for each is three times.

When they meet for the second time, the boat M has sailed 500 x 3 = 1500 yards. Now, this is 300 yards longer than the length of the lake, it must be 1200 yards wide.

The ration between the speed of boat M and boat N is equal to the ratio of the distance that they have sailed before they meet the first time.
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Surprise Birthday Party Riddle

This one is best solved working backwards, the last part David spent half of what was left plus $1.00 on candy and then was out of money. That means he must have spent $2.00 on Candy as $1.00 was half of what he had using the same logic backwards: $2.00 on candy $6.00 on Balloons and Streamers $12.00 on the cake Total of $20.00.
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Farmer Stones Riddle

The stones weight 1 pound, 3 pounds, 9 pounds and 27 pounds. These can be used in combination with each other on both sides of the scale to come up with any counterweight from 1 to 40 pounds.
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Three Rivers Riddle

This problem has an infinite number of solutions modeled by the equation 8a=7n, where a is the amount of flowers the man starts with and n is the number of flowers he leaves at each grave. The simplest and possibly trivial solution would be to start with 0 flowers and leave 0 flowers at each grave. A more significant solution would be to start with 7 flowers and leave 8 at each grave. Any positive integer multiple of this solution also satisfies the conditions. For example, the man starts with 14 flowers and leaves 16 at each grave; so, 14 doubles to 28, and 28-16= 12; 12 doubles to 24, and 24-16= 8; 8 doubles to 16, and 16-16= 0. The result is the same if the man starts with 21 flowers and leaves 24 flowers at each grave, or starts with 28 and leaves 32.
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