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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Shooting BB Guns Riddle

They wanted to shoot the breeze
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The Tooth Fairy Wand Riddle

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Richest Air Riddle

A millionaire
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I Come As A Pair

I am feet!
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The Coin Toss Riddle

Hint: Think what would be most likely to happen if you chose HHH, would this be a good decision?
The answer is to let your friend go first. This puzzle is based on an old game/scam called Penny Ante. No matter what you picked, your friend would be able to come up with a combination which would be more likely to beat yours. For example, if you were to choose HHH, then unless HHH was the first combination to come up you would eventually lose since as soon as a Tails came up, the combination THH would inevitably come up before HHH. The basic formula you can use for working out which combination you should choose is as follows. Simply take his combination (eg. HHT) take the last term in his combination, put it at the front (in this case making THH) and your combination will be more likely to come up first. Try it on your friends!
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The Gardners Riddle

Gretchen said that there were 4 girls in the family, three of whom were blond.

This would make the probability that she saw two blonds (3/4) * (2/3), which equals 1/2.

Other numbers would work, but the next pair would lead to a rather large family.
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Hint: Their dad is a very smart person.
Believe it or not, both Mike and James have a 1/2 chance of winning.

James wins if:
-he calls both coin flips right = 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4
-he does not call both coin flips right, Mike does not call the die roll correctly, and he guesses the number on the spinner right = 3/4 x 5/6 x 2/5 = 30/120 = 1/4

1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2

Mike wins if:
-James does not call both coin flips right and he calls the die roll correctly = 3/4 x 1/6 = 3/24 = 1/8
-James does not call both coin flips right, he does not call the die roll correctly, and Mike does not guess the number on the spinner right = 3/4 x 5/6 x 3/5 = 45/120 = 3/8

1/8 + 3/8 = 1/2

Of course, dad could have just flipped a coin
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Matching Socks Riddle

Hint: Three pairs of matching socks... maybe not!!!
He has a ZERO chance of drawing out a black pair.

Since there is a 2/3 chance of drawing a white pair, then there MUST be 5 white socks and only 1 black sock. The chances of drawing two whites would thus be: 5/6 x 4/5 = 2/3 . With only 1 black sock, there is no chance of drawing a black pair.
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Two In A Row Riddle

Hint: Who does he need to beat to win?

To beat two games in a row, it is necessary to win the second game. This means that it would be to his advantage to play the second game against the weaker player. Though he plays his father twice, he has a higher chance of winning by playing his mother second.
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Roll The Dice

Hint: What will happen if there are 6 gamblers, each of whom bet on a different number?
It's a fair game. If there are 6 gamblers, each of whom bet on a different number, the dealer will neither win nor lose on each deal.

If he rolls 3 different numbers, e.g. 1, 2, 3, the three gamblers who bet 1, 2, 3 each wins $1 while the three gamblers who bet 4, 5, 6 each loses $1.

If two of the dice he rolls show the same number, e.g. 1, 1, 2, the gambler who bet 1 wins $3, the gambler who bet 2 wins $1, and the other 4 gamblers each loses $1.

If all 3 dice show the same number, e.g. 1, 1, 1, the gambler who bet 1 wins $5, and the other 5 gamblers each loses $1.

In each case, the dealer neither wins nor loses. Hence it's a fair game.
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Coconut Money Riddle

He's a millionaire already.
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I'm Not A Dog

I am a coconut
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Growing On A Palm Tree

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Lazily In The Sun

A daisy
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Found In Tall Buildings

A elevator
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