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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Marrying The Princess Riddle

Hint: You know that your competitors are very intelligent and want nothing more than to marry the princess. You also know that the king is a man of his word, and he has said that the test is a fair test of intelligence and bravery.
Answer: White.

The king would not select two white hats and one black hat. This would mean two princes would see one black hat and one white hat. You would be at a disadvantage if you were the only prince wearing a black hat.

If you were wearing the black hat, it would not take long for one of the other princes to deduce he was wearing a white hat.

If an intelligent prince saw a white hat and a black hat, he would eventually realize that the king would never select two black hats and one white hat. Any prince seeing two black hats would instantly know he was wearing a white hat. Therefore if a prince can see one black hat, he can work out he is wearing white.

Therefore the only fair test is for all three princes to be wearing white hats. After waiting some time just to be sure, you can safely assert you are wearing a white hat.
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Late For The Bus Riddle

They blame themselves because they caused the bus to be late. If they had been on time, the bus would have already passed the location of the mud slide.
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2 Thermometers Riddle

The taste.
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A Crime On Freemont Street

How can the murderer shoot him in the stomach if he came up behind the man?
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A Tested Formula Of Love Riddle

A candlelight dinner.
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Top Of The Coconut Tree

None of them, because you cant get a banana from a coconut tree!
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Closed Areas Riddle


Look at how many closed areas there are.

9999 has 4 closed areas (the top of the '9')
8888 has 8 closed areas, the top and bottom parts of the 8 and there are no other digits
1816 has 3 closed areas, (top and bottom of 8 and bottom of 6, and it has 2 other digits ( 3*2=6)
1212 has 0 closed areas,(0*4=0)
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