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Riddles and Answers © 2024

An Easy To Find Treat!

Its chocolate!
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Tommy's Birthday Cake Riddle

It was a pound cake!
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Great Beauty Inside Riddle

An oyster
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Puddle Of Water Riddle

He had stood on a block of ice until it melted.
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Same As My Neighbor Riddle

A shadow.
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The Countersign Riddle

5. It's the number of letters it takes to spell the word the guard says.
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Pick A Room Riddle

You should definitely go through the electric chair. Since the power is out, when you sit in the electric chair it will have no effect on you.
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Marrying The Princess Riddle

Hint: You know that your competitors are very intelligent and want nothing more than to marry the princess. You also know that the king is a man of his word, and he has said that the test is a fair test of intelligence and bravery.
Answer: White.

The king would not select two white hats and one black hat. This would mean two princes would see one black hat and one white hat. You would be at a disadvantage if you were the only prince wearing a black hat.

If you were wearing the black hat, it would not take long for one of the other princes to deduce he was wearing a white hat.

If an intelligent prince saw a white hat and a black hat, he would eventually realize that the king would never select two black hats and one white hat. Any prince seeing two black hats would instantly know he was wearing a white hat. Therefore if a prince can see one black hat, he can work out he is wearing white.

Therefore the only fair test is for all three princes to be wearing white hats. After waiting some time just to be sure, you can safely assert you are wearing a white hat.
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The Ground Is Moving Riddle

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The Big Metal Box Riddle

The gold key will open the lock.

The clue says A Golden Key Can Open Any Door. Decipher the message by taking the first letter of each word, then the second letter of each word, then the third letter and so on to construct the sentence.
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A Boy At The Carnival

A young boy was at the carnival. He was walking past a kiosk where an old man was sitting.

"Do you want to play a game?" the old man said to him.The young boy was intrigued. "What kind of game?" he asked.

"It's a very simple game." said the old man. "I will tell you the rules. I have ten large metal boxes. Inside one of the boxes is the prize money. One thousand dollars."

"A thousand bucks, huh?" asked the boy. "What's the catch?"

"The boxes are sturdy and strong," said the old man. "Much too strong to be opened with your bare hands. They are also airtight and cannot be damaged by a hammer, an axe or even a chainsaw."

"So they're impossible to open?" said the boy.

"Not impossible." said the man. "I have a blowtorch which can be used to open the boxes."

"Is there a time limit?" asked the boy.

"You can take as much time as you want." said the old man. "When you find the prize money, it's all yours. So, do you want to play the game?"

"Well, I don't how I could possibly lose," said the boy. "OK. I'll play your game."

The old man smiled. "I'll make it very easy for you", he said. "There are ten metal boxes, but if you give me five dollars, I will start you right next to the prize money."

The boy happily took out his wallet and handed a crisp five dollar note to the old man. There was a mischievous grin on the old man's face.The game started.The prize money was right in front of the boy. He could see it. He could touch it.Even though he won the game, the boy was never able to spend the money. He died shortly after he won the game.

How did the boy die?
The man put the inside of the box since he said for five dollars, he'd put the boy next to the money. Since the box was airtight, he suffocated
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Written In Blood Riddle

Luke, because theres no power (its during a blackout).
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Not A Board Game Riddle

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The Green Ranch Riddle

There is no staircase, its a ranch.
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From The Sun And The Moon Riddle

They are the origins of the names of each day of the week.

Sunday Sun day.
Monday Moon day.
Tuesday Tiws or T�rs day, the god of single combat, son of Odin.
Wednesday Wodens or Odins day, god of poetry and of the dead.
Thursday Thors day, god of thunder, son of Odin.
Friday Friggs day, goddess of the clouds, wife of Odin.
Saturday Saturns day, god of fertility and agriculture.
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