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Riddles and Answers © 2024

The Least Favorite Month For A Tree

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Month Of Letter D

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28 Days Riddle

All months have 28 days.
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Soldiers Hate Most Riddle

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I Can Help You Clean Your Shirt Riddle

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What Is Seen Directly Before January And February Riddle

Among all the twelve months in a year the two foremost months - January and February have a common ending.

The word January is derived from the Latin word 'Januarius' which means 'the month of Janus' Janus is also called the two-faced God. He is the Roman god who presides over doors and beginnings.

He symbolizes all beginnings and exhibits the capacity to foretell the past and the future.

Since January is the first month of the year it represents the door to the time calendar.

February is derived from the Latin word 'Februarius'. Februa is the name of a famous purification feast held in this month. Hence the name evolved into February.

Thus both these months have names derived from Latin and a common ending with the letters 'uary'.
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Prisoner Hat Riddle

Four inmates are cleaning up a littered beach as part of a prisoner work program. The warden, who happens to be overseeing the work, decides to play a little game with the prisoners. He tells them that if they win the game he will let them go free! He then proceeds to bury each prisoner up to his neck in sand as shown.

There is a wall between prisoners C and D (which cannot be seen through or around). Prisoner A can see prisoners B and C (by moving his head to the side). Prisoner B can see prisoner C. Prisoners C and D see only the wall.

The prisoners are immobilized in the ground and can't twist their body to see the person behind them. The warden shows them two black hats and two white hats and then puts the hats in a bag to conceal them. He then stands behind each prisoner, chooses a hat from the bag, and puts it on their head. The color of each prisoner's hat is shown in the image above.

The rules are simple. If any prisoner can figure out the color of the hat on his head, all four prisoners will be set free. But they must be sure, if one of them simply guesses and is wrong, they will all be shot dead! The prisoners are not allowed to talk to each other and they have 10 seconds.

The warden counts down "ten, nine, eight, seven". All four prisoners are silent. The warden smiles, knowing that he put the hats on in such a way that no prisoner could possibly know the color of the hat they had on. He continues "six, five, four, thr.."

"I know the color of my hat!" one of the prisoners finally blurts out.

Which prisoner called out and why is he 100% certain of the color of his hat?
Four inmates are cleaning up a littered beach as part of a prisoner work program. The warden, who happens to be overseeing the work, decides to play a little game with the prisoners. He tells them that if they win the game he will let them go free! He then proceeds to bury each prisoner up to his neck in sand as shown.

There is a wall between prisoners C and D (which cannot be seen through or around). Prisoner A can see prisoners B and C (by moving his head to the side). Prisoner B can see prisoner C. Prisoners C and D see only the wall.

The prisoners are immobilized in the ground and can't twist their body to see the person behind them. The warden shows them two black hats and two white hats and then puts the hats in a bag to conceal them. He then stands behind each prisoner, chooses a hat from the bag, and puts it on their head. The color of each prisoner's hat is shown in the image above.

The rules are simple. If any prisoner can figure out the color of the hat on his head, all four prisoners will be set free. But they must be sure, if one of them simply guesses and is wrong, they will all be shot dead! The prisoners are not allowed to talk to each other and they have 10 seconds.

The warden counts down "ten, nine, eight, seven". All four prisoners are silent. The warden smiles, knowing that he put the hats on in such a way that no prisoner could possibly know the color of the hat they had on. He continues "six, five, four, thr.."

"I know the color of my hat!" one of the prisoners finally blurts out.

Which prisoner called out and why is he 100% certain of the color of his hat?
Prisoner B.

If prisoners B and C had the same color hat on, prisoner A would have know immediately that his hat was the other color (there are only two hats of each color). Since prisoner A was silent, prisoners B and C must have different colored hats. Prisoner B realized this and knew that his hat was not the same color as prisoner C, therefore his hat must be black!
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No Matter How Little Or How Much You Use Me Riddle

A Calendar
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Seconds In A Year Riddle

12. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, cont..
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Driving At Midnight Riddle

I was driving in Antarctica.
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In A Basket All Alone Riddle

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Christmas And New Year's Riddle

In 2020 New Year's occurs on January 1st, 2020 and Christmas on December 25th, 2020. These dates are 51 weeks and 2 days apart, not one week apart (during the year New Year's occurs before Christmas).
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Egg In A Glass Riddle

Hint: Without doing anything to the egg, the egg can't fit into the bottle
First, soak the egg in the vinegar which softens the shell without compromising the egg. Next, take some of the writing paper and shred it into pieces. Take the shredded pieces and put them into the glass bottle. Take a match and light a fire inside the bottle with the shredded paper. After, take the vinegar-soaked egg and put it on the top of the bottle so no oxygen can get into the bottle. The fire can't live without any oxygen so it will try to suck oxygen from the entrance which the egg is blocking. When the fire does this, the fire becomes like a vacuum. So, basically, the fire sucks the egg into the bottle to try to get the oxygen. After a short while, the shell will reharden and that's how the egg got into the bottle.
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Two Gates Riddle

The question is: What would the other angel say, if I asked which gate leads to Heaven?. And do exactly the opposite of what the angel says.

If the left gate leads to Heaven:

The angel that tells the truth will say that it's the right gate since it knows that the other angel will lie.

The angel that lies will also say that it's the right gate since it knows that the other angel will tell the truth.

The same explanation applies if the right gate leads to Heaven.
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Twin Witches Riddle

You can't tell which witch is which!
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