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Riddles and Answers © 2024

A Masked Man Near Home Riddle

It was a baseball game. The man was on third. The masked man was the catcher.
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Oil Smuggling Riddle

Bill is the suspect, if read upside down the numbers read "Bill is boss. He sells oil."
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A Crime On Freemont Street

How can the murderer shoot him in the stomach if he came up behind the man?
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Lakes And Boats Riddle

When the boats meet for the first time, they have sailed a combined distance that is equal to one length of the lake. When they meet the second time, they have sailed 3 lengths. The elapsed time and the distance for each is three times.

When they meet for the second time, the boat M has sailed 500 x 3 = 1500 yards. Now, this is 300 yards longer than the length of the lake, it must be 1200 yards wide.

The ration between the speed of boat M and boat N is equal to the ratio of the distance that they have sailed before they meet the first time.
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4th Of July Riddle

She went over on the date of the 4th of july and came home on the boat called the 4th of july.
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Christmas And New Year's Riddle

In 2020 New Year's occurs on January 1st, 2020 and Christmas on December 25th, 2020. These dates are 51 weeks and 2 days apart, not one week apart (during the year New Year's occurs before Christmas).
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Egg In A Glass Riddle

Hint: Without doing anything to the egg, the egg can't fit into the bottle
First, soak the egg in the vinegar which softens the shell without compromising the egg. Next, take some of the writing paper and shred it into pieces. Take the shredded pieces and put them into the glass bottle. Take a match and light a fire inside the bottle with the shredded paper. After, take the vinegar-soaked egg and put it on the top of the bottle so no oxygen can get into the bottle. The fire can't live without any oxygen so it will try to suck oxygen from the entrance which the egg is blocking. When the fire does this, the fire becomes like a vacuum. So, basically, the fire sucks the egg into the bottle to try to get the oxygen. After a short while, the shell will reharden and that's how the egg got into the bottle.
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Surprise Birthday Party Riddle

This one is best solved working backwards, the last part David spent half of what was left plus $1.00 on candy and then was out of money. That means he must have spent $2.00 on Candy as $1.00 was half of what he had using the same logic backwards: $2.00 on candy $6.00 on Balloons and Streamers $12.00 on the cake Total of $20.00.
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Baby Owl Riddle

Seven days old
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Working After Being Fired Riddle

A rocket!
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Who Is The Engineer Riddle

Determine the known facts. Also notice that the passengers are noted with the title Mr., where as the brakeman, engineer and fireman are identified by their last names only. 1. Mr Brown Lives in New York City 2. The brakeman lives midway between NY and Chicago 3. Mr. Jones earns exactly $20K per year 4. Smith beat the fireman at their last game of golf. 5. The brakeman's next-door neighbor, who is a passenger, earns exactly three times the brakeman's salary. 6. The passenger who lives in Chicago has the same name as the brakeman. According to #1 and #2, the brakeman's neighbor cannot be Mr. Brown. According to #5, the brakeman's neighbor also cannot be Mr. Jones, because $20,000 is not evenly divisible by three. This leaves Mr. Smith as the next door neighbor to the brakeman. Mr. Smith lives halfway between New York and Chicago (#2) as does the brakeman. Since Mr. Brown lives in New York, by process of elimination, it is now known that Mr. Jones lives in Chicago. According to statement #6, this means that the brakeman is named Jones. According to statement #4, the fireman cannot be Smith, so the fireman must be must be Brown, which leaves Smith as the engineer.
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The Train Of Love

Hint: Think of a way the train schedules might favor one train over the other.
The Brooklyn train leaves exactly 1 minute before the Bronx train.

Let's say the Brooklyn train arrives at 09:00, 09:10, 09:20, etc. and the Bronx train arrives one minute after at 09:01, 09:11, 09:21, etc. Consider the ten minute interval from 09:00 to 09:10. If the man arrives between 09:00 and 09:01, the 09:01 Bronx train will be the first to arrive (assuming that he doesn't arrive at exactly 09:00). If the man arrives between 09:01 and 09:10, the 09:10 Brooklyn train will be the first to arrive. In any ten minute period, the Brooklyn train will be the first to arrive in nine of the ten minutes.
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Two Trains Riddle

The two trains begin back-to-back and charge the track away from each other.
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The Red Planet Riddle

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I Have Mount Olympus Riddle

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