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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Smell Very Sweet Riddle

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I Am Old But Also New

The Bible
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On Top A Joppa House Riddle

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In A Basket All Alone Riddle

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Drying Dresses Riddle

In one hour. They will all dry at the same time.
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Hotel Bankruptcy Riddle

The man was playing Monopoly and when he rolled the dice he landed on a property he could not afford to pay the rent on.
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Hobbit Brain Teaser Riddle

The wind
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Red But Black Instead Riddle

A match. You tear a match out of a matchbook and scratch the head to light it, then the red tip turns black from the flame.
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Two Gates Riddle

The question is: What would the other angel say, if I asked which gate leads to Heaven?. And do exactly the opposite of what the angel says.

If the left gate leads to Heaven:

The angel that tells the truth will say that it's the right gate since it knows that the other angel will lie.

The angel that lies will also say that it's the right gate since it knows that the other angel will tell the truth.

The same explanation applies if the right gate leads to Heaven.
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Surprise Birthday Party Riddle

This one is best solved working backwards, the last part David spent half of what was left plus $1.00 on candy and then was out of money. That means he must have spent $2.00 on Candy as $1.00 was half of what he had using the same logic backwards: $2.00 on candy $6.00 on Balloons and Streamers $12.00 on the cake Total of $20.00.
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Wolf, Goat And Cabbage Riddle

First take the goat to the other side and row back.
Then take the wolf to the other side, and take the goat in the boat with you when you return.
You get the goat ashore. Then you put the cabbage in the boat and take it to the other side, where you leave it with the wolf and then row back.
Finally you take the goat into the boat and take it across.
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50 Passengers Riddle

Two of the passengers were siamese twins.
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Egg In A Glass Riddle

Hint: Without doing anything to the egg, the egg can't fit into the bottle
First, soak the egg in the vinegar which softens the shell without compromising the egg. Next, take some of the writing paper and shred it into pieces. Take the shredded pieces and put them into the glass bottle. Take a match and light a fire inside the bottle with the shredded paper. After, take the vinegar-soaked egg and put it on the top of the bottle so no oxygen can get into the bottle. The fire can't live without any oxygen so it will try to suck oxygen from the entrance which the egg is blocking. When the fire does this, the fire becomes like a vacuum. So, basically, the fire sucks the egg into the bottle to try to get the oxygen. After a short while, the shell will reharden and that's how the egg got into the bottle.
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Two Doors Riddle

This is a logic question and can be answered if one realizes that the TRUTH of a LIE is a LIE, and the LIE of a TRUTH is a LIE. You need one guard to give you the other guards answer. Knowing this one could ask a question like, If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?

If you ask the guard who always tells the truth, he would tell you the other guard would point you to the door of death. If you ask the guard who always lies, he would tell you the opposite door of the truth-telling guard and point you to the door of death. In either case, both guards will point to the door of death so you should choose the other one.
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Cannot Create Or Destroy

Hint: Everything we do can cause it to be recycled.

According to the laws of thermodynamics:

Energy can not be created nor destroyed.

Energy can be converted from one form to another (kinetic energy, heat, latent heat, potential energy, chemical energy, or electrical energy).

Energy can be transported from one place to another through conduction, convection, and radiation.
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