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Riddles and Answers © 2024

The Merchant Of Venice

The lottery
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Portia's Favored Suitor

Lead, as he is not deceived by 'outward shows'
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The Actions Of Pericles

Understands the riddle to mean incest and hints to Antiochus his understanding.

Antiochus realises from Pericles' hints that Pericles has understood the riddle and determines to have him killed. I am not aware of any other reference to incest in Shakespeare. Incest seems to retain its rightful shock value much more in Shakespeare and the classics.
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A Treat For Your Mouth Riddle

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Murdered On A Sunday Morning

There is no mail on Sundays.
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The Emperor's Proposition Riddle

Hint: The answer does not guarantee 100% you will chose a white marble, but you have a much better chance.
Place 1 white marble in one bowl, and place the rest of the marbles in the other bowl (49 whites, and 50 blacks).

This way you begin with a 50/50 chance of choosing the bowl with just one white marble, therefore life! BUT even if you choose the other bowl, you still have ALMOST a 50/50 chance at picking one of the 49 white marbles.
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Coconut Toll Booth Riddle

1 10
2 10
3 9
4 9
5 9
6 8
7 8
8 7
9 7
10 7

200-84 = 116
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The Wild Wild West

The best thing for you will be to shoot your first shot in air.

If you try to shoot at Jack and hits him by chance, Leo always hits on the target and you are dead.

If you choose to shoot at Leo and hits him by chance, then there is a fifty percent chance that Jack will hit you.

If you shoot in air, the next turn is of Jack and he knows that Leo is a better shooter which means that he will shoot at him. If he misses, he is definitely dead as Leo will shoot on him coz he shot at him. The next turn will be yours and you stand a 1/3rd chance of hitting him. Also if, he is able to hit Leo. The next chance is yours again and you can try the 1/3rd probability of hitting over Jack.

This is the best situation that you can face. At every other possible way, you will face a worse situation for sure.
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Hold Me By Neck

A guitar
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Protect And Destroy

White blood cell
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Dying Of Thirst


Desert is the answer to this riddle. Kill and threatened by my people are talking about animals that live in the desert.
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Three Rats Riddle

So lets think this through. The rats can only avoid a collision if they all decide to move in the same direction (either clockwise or rati-clockwise). If the rats do not pick the same direction, there will definitely be a collision. Each rat has the option to either move clockwise or rati-clockwise. There is a one in two chance that an rat decides to pick a particular direction. Using simple probability calculations, we can determine the probability of no collision.
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Hint: Their dad is a very smart person.
Believe it or not, both Mike and James have a 1/2 chance of winning.

James wins if:
-he calls both coin flips right = 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4
-he does not call both coin flips right, Mike does not call the die roll correctly, and he guesses the number on the spinner right = 3/4 x 5/6 x 2/5 = 30/120 = 1/4

1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2

Mike wins if:
-James does not call both coin flips right and he calls the die roll correctly = 3/4 x 1/6 = 3/24 = 1/8
-James does not call both coin flips right, he does not call the die roll correctly, and Mike does not guess the number on the spinner right = 3/4 x 5/6 x 3/5 = 45/120 = 3/8

1/8 + 3/8 = 1/2

Of course, dad could have just flipped a coin
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Something I Seek

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When You Are Sad Riddle

A tissue box

When you are crying, you use a tissue to wipe your tears
When all of the tissues are gone, you crush the box, and recycle it
Usually you would like a nice tissue, not a scratchy one
The outside of a tissue box can explain your personality
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