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Mans Golden Greed

Lead. Lead is a metallic gray, is very heavy and in order to stay ahead of someone, you need to be in the lead.
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Blown Up Like A Stick Of Dynamite

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Pricey Teeth Riddle

Buck teeth
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Teeth That Cannot Eat Riddle

A comb
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Sad Teeth Riddle

Mouthwash to brighten them up
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The Quietest Whimper

An actor
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Made Of Metal Riddle

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Making Moms Day

A school bus.
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The Miracle Mountain Riddle

Hint: This is not a trick. His watch works perfectly well. He does not sit in the same spot all day or any other such device, although it would not change the answer if he did!
The answer is (A). Since it must happen, the probability is actually 1 (100%).

Explanation: Firstly, consider 2 men, one starting from the top of the mountain and hiking down while the other starts at the bottom and hikes up. At some time in the day, they will cross over. In other words they will be at the same place at the same time of day.

Now consider our man who has walked up on one day and begins the descent the next day. Imagine there is someone (a second person) shadowing his exact movements from the day before. When he meets his shadower (it must happen) it will be the exact place that he was the day before, and of course they are both at this spot at the same time.

Contrary to our common sense, which seems to say that this is an extremely unlikely event, it is a certainty.

NOTE: There is one unlikely event here, and that is that he will notice the time when he is at the correct location on both days, but that was not what the question asked.
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Two In A Row Riddle

Hint: Who does he need to beat to win?

To beat two games in a row, it is necessary to win the second game. This means that it would be to his advantage to play the second game against the weaker player. Though he plays his father twice, he has a higher chance of winning by playing his mother second.
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The Loaded Revolver Riddle

Henry should have Gretchen pull the trigger again without spinning.

We know that the first chamber Gretchen fired was one of the four empty chambers. Since the bullets were placed in consecutive order, one of the empty chambers is followed by a bullet, and the other three empty chambers are followed by another empty chamber. So if Henry has Gretchen pull the trigger again, the probability that a bullet will be fired is 1/4.

If Gretchen spins the chamber again, the probability that she shoots Henry would be 2/6, or 1/3, since there are two possible bullets that would be in firing position out of the six possible chambers that would be in position.
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Dropping Coconuts Riddle

Hint: They break when dropped from the same height and they don't weaken from getting dropped.
You could drop it at floor 1 first (because you start at floor 1). Then you would go to the floors: 14, 27, 39, 50, 60, 69, 77, 84, 90, 95, 99, and 100. Whatever floor your first coconut breaks at, go to the floor above the last floor the coconut survived and drop the second coconut from this floor. Then go up by one floor until the second coconut breaks and that is the lowest floor it will break at.
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Changing Two Lives Forever

Will you marry me?
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Five Prom Couples Riddle

Mark and Susan wore red.
Quintin and Jessica wore blue.
Jim and Amanda wore pink.
Bob and Betty wore green.
James and Jasmin wore yellow.
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The Sharpest Thing In The World

A fart that goes through your pants without making a hole.
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