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The Day Before Yesterday I Was 25 Riddle

On carefully inspecting this question, one can understand that there are two days which are important and these are:

A. My Birthday.

B. The day when I am making this statement.

If you think for a while, you will understand that such statements can be made only around the year's end. So, if my birthday is on 31 December, then I will be making this statement on 1 January.

I will further explain using the following example:

1. Consider that today is 01 January 2017.

2. Then, the day before yesterday was 30 December 2016 and according to the question I was 25 then.

3. Yesterday was 31 December 2016, which happens to be my birthday too (Woohoo!), and my age increases by one to become 26.

4. I will turn 27 on my birthday this year (31 December 2017).

5. I will turn 28 on my birthday next year (31 December 2018).

Now, if you read the question again, it will make more sense:

The day before yesterday(30 December 2016), I was 25 years old and next year(31 December 2018) I will be 28.
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I Wish Yesterday Was Tomorrow Riddle

It depends. The grammar is intentionally misleading; "yesterday was" is generally considered incorrect, but is still something people say. The speaker in the riddle may mean "I wish yesterday were tomorrow" or "I wish yesterday had been tomorrow", etc. So:

I wish yesterday (Wednesday) had been what tomorrow (Friday) will be = today is Thursday.

I wish yesterday had been Thursday so tomorrow would be Friday = today is any day!

I wish yesterday (Tuesday) had been [today's] tomorrow (Thursday), so that today (Wednesday) would be Friday (day after desired yesterday).

I wish yesterday (Saturday) would be [today's] tomorrow, then today (Sunday) would be Friday.
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The Day Before Yesterday I Was 21 Riddle

Today is 1st January

Yesterday is 31st December, your birthday, which you will be 22

The day before yesterday is 30th December, you're still 21

Let's say it's year 2020, so today is 1st January 2020, you are 22

December 31, 2020 you are 23

And then the next year, December 31, 2021 you will be 24
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Where Does Today Come Before Yesterday Riddle

The Dictionary
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A Man Wants To Enter A Club Riddle

Three. He should have said how many letters were in the number he said.
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I Supply The Facts

Hint: I am educational.
A book.
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Who Owns The Fish?

The German sits in his Green House, smoking his Prince cigars, drinking coffee, and watching his FISH.

The rest go like this-
1st House: Yellow, Norwegian, Water, Cats, Dunhill
2nd House: Blue, Dane, Tea, Horse, Blends
3rd House: Red, Brit, Milk, Birds, Pall Malls
4th House: Green, German, Coffee, FISH, Prince
5th House: White, Swede, Beer, Dogs, Bluemasters
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Making Faces Riddle

He's a clock maker.
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Surrounded By Cats Riddle

It is simple. You kill the two animals with two bullets i.e. tiger and leopard and then make a run in the Jaguar (a car brand).
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A Lot Of Sand

The desert
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Banana Clock Riddle

Hint: 1. Look closely at the clock. 2. Number of Bananas. 3. Some thing regarding the sides of the Shapes figure.

Logic :
From 1st the hexagon shape has value 15.
The shape has 15 edges(6 of hexagon,5 of Pentagon and 4 of Square)
From 2nd we get value of one bunch of bananas is 4.
So each banana has value of 1.
From 3rd we get that each clock has value of 3.
Which resembles the time on the clock which is 3.
Hence by using these insights, we get the last required values as
Clock = 2 (2 in the clock)
Bananas = 3 (3 bananas in the bunch)
Hexagon = 11 (Hexagon[6 sides] and pentagon[5 sides], so 6+5=11)
So required value is
2+3+33=? (Multiply first - Bodmas rule)
5+33=38 and hence the answer is 38.
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Shoe Man Whistle

The third equation has a term with a pair of whistles. The last line involves a single whistle.

Furthermore, the man in the second and third lines are wearing a whistle, but the man in the last line is not wearing a whistle. Presumably the value of the whistle should be accounted for to get the correct answer.

The pictures can be translated into the following equations:

shoes + shoes + shoes = 30
shoes + (man + whistle) + (man + whistle) = 20
(man + whistle) + 2(whistles) + 2(whistles) = 13
shoes + (man) x (whistle) = ?

From the first equation we can solve for the shoes value:

shoes + shoes + shoes = 30
3(shoes) = 30
shoes = 10

We can then solve the second equation for the (man + whistle) value:

shoes + (man + whistle) + (man + whistle) = 20
10 + 2(man + whistle) = 20
2(man + whistle) = 10
man + whistle = 5

Then we solve the third equation for the whistle:

(man + whistle) + 2(whistles) + 2(whistles) = 13
5 + 4(whistles) = 13
4(whistles) = 8
whistle = 2

We also need to solve for the value of the man:

man + whistle = 5
man + 2 = 5
man = 3

Now we can evaluate the final expression, remembering the order of operations that multiplication should be evaluated before addition:

shoes + (man) x (whistle) = ?

10 + 3 x 2
= 10 + 3 x 2
= 10 + 6
= 16
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The Fourth Column Riddle

The correct choice will be the option 'd'.

In each succeeding row, the previous column is reversed and the lowest digits are omitted.
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Alex And The New Neighbor Riddle

The new neighbors name is 'Who.' ...When the mom SUPPOSEDLY asked "Who is the new neighbor?", she wasn't asking; she was making a statement. "Who is [the name of] the new neighbor."
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State Without An A Riddle Answer

The "State Without An A" is a tricky riddle. At the first place, many of you will start saying Ohio, New Jersey, New York, and more state names that does not have a letter "A" in it. But if you read the understand the riddle correctly, it says:

State Without An A, this means that we have to remove the letter A from the word State. So after removing the letter A, we get Stte.
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