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Riddles and Answers © 2024

You See A Boat Riddle

They are all married
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A Woman Has Five Cousins Riddle

Hint: The expected answer to your riddle would be "Friday. "But that is not correct. And all the information you need to find the answer is contained within the riddle.
The name of the 5th is 'What.' As the riddle told you "What is the name of the fifth cousin." it was a statement, not a question.
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Brown And Old By Day Riddle

The moon
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There Was A Plane Crash Riddle

Married couples
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3 Gallon Jug And 5 Gallon Jug

Fill the 5-jug up completely. There will be, of course, 5 gallons in the 5-jug. You must fill all the gallons up to the top, otherwise you don't actually know how much you have.

Use the water from the 5-jug to fill up the 3-jug. You're left with 3 gallons in the 3-jug and 2 gallons in the 5-jug.

Pour out the 3-gallon jug. You're left with nothing in the 3-jug and 2 gallons in the 5-jug.

Transfer the water from the 5-jug to the three jug. You're left with 2 gallons in the 3-jug. And nothing in the 5-jug.

Fill up the 5-jug completely. You now have 2 gallons in the 3-jug and 5 in the 5-jug. This means that there is 1 gallon (3.8 L) of space left in the 3-jug.

Use the water from the 5-jug to fill up the 3-jug. Fill up the last gallon of space in the 3-jug with the water from the 5-jug. This leaves you with 3 gallons in the 3-jug, and 4 gallons in the 5-jug.

Fill the 3-jug completely with water. You now have 3 gallons (11.4 L) of water.

Transfer this water into the 5-jug. You now have nothing in the 3-jug, and 3 gallons (11.4 L) in the 5-jug.

Re-fill the 3-jug with water. You now have 3 gallons (11.4 L) in the 3-jug and 3 gallons in the 5-jug.

Fill the 5-jug with water from your 3-jug. You now have 1 gallon (3.8 L) in the 3-jug and 5 gallons (18.9 L) in the 5-jug. This is because, in the last step, you only had 2 gallons (7.6 L) of space left over, so you could only pour 2 gallons.

Pour out the 5-jug and refill it with your 1 gallon. You now have nothing in the 3-jug and 1 gallon in the 5-jug

Fill up the 3-jug. You now have 3 gallons (11.4 L) in the 3-jug and 1 in the 5-jug.

Transfer the 3 gallons (11.4 L) of water into the 5-jug to end up with 4 gallons (15.1 L). Simply pour over your three gallons into the 5-jug, which only had 1 gallon (3.8 L) in it previously. 1+3=4, and a successfully defused bomb.
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The mother. In order for Mark to be a single dad, the mother had to leave him and the kids first.
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Someones Mom Has 4 Sons Riddle

The question itself says "someone's" mom. Given the name of the three other sons the name of the fourth son can be Someone.
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Fox Goose Beans Riddle

The first step must be to take the goose across the river, as any other will result in the goose or the beans being eaten. When the farmer returns to the original side, he has the choice of taking either the fox or the beans across next. If he takes the fox across, he would have to return to get the beans, resulting in the fox eating the goose. If he takes the beans across second, he will need to return to get the fox, resulting in the beans being eaten by the goose. The dilemma is solved by taking the fox (or the beans) over and bringing the goose back. Now he can take the beans (or the fox) over, and finally return to fetch the goose. His actions in the solution are summarized in the following steps: Take the Goose over Return Take the beans over Return with the goose Take the fox over Return Take goose over Thus there are seven crossings, four forward and three back.
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12 Apples Hanging High Riddle

11 apples. 'Each' is the name of the man who got one.
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How Many Dolphins Are There Riddle

6 dolphins.
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Mike Mom Has Three Sons Riddle

The correct answer is mike.

4 sons name:
1. Penny
2. Nickel
3. Dime
4. Mike
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With A Halo Of Water And A Tongue Of Wood Riddle

A castle.
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4 Prisoner Hat Riddle

Answer is Man number 2.

Lets start by eliminating men. Man number 4 is at the other end of opaque wall facing other side. There is no way he can see any men or the color of their hat. So he is eliminated. Now man no 3 also cannot see anyone else - he cannot look back and he cannot see beyond wall. So he is eliminated too. Now man number 1 knows the color of man 2 and 3. Now lets say they (2 and 3) were wearing same color hat then man no 1 would know the color of his hat since there are 2 white and 2 black hat. But he keeps mum which means man 2 and 3 are wearing different hat. S0 man number 2 waits for sometime if he does not hear man 1 calling out that means man 2 and 3 are wearing different color hats. Since man 2 knows the color of hat wore by man 3 he know the color of his hat and calls it out.
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I'm A Word That's Easy To Say

Hint: Rhymes with dove
"I love you"
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