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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Reading Cows Riddle

The moospaper!
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Bovine Friends Riddle

The moooovies!
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Judging Books Riddle

The Moo York Times
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A Cows Favorite Holiday Riddle

Moo Years Day!!
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Counting Cows Riddle

Because you can use a cowculator.
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Eskimo Cow Riddle

What do you call an Eskimo cow?
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Alaskan Cow Riddle

Ice cream
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The Riddle Of Gestumblindi Scandinavia

A cow.
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Fat Cows Riddle

Moo York. (New York)
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Cows Visit New York Riddle

To see the MOO-sicals. (musicals)
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A Cow Murder Mystery Riddle

A moo-done-it!
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Worldwide Cowhide Riddle

To hold cows together.
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Counting Cows Riddle

With a cowculator!
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The Haunted Farmhouse

Cow-nt Dracula.
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First Animal In Space Riddle

The cow that jumped over the moon.
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Post Your Cow Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Cow Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side.

2. What do you call a cow that's just had a calf? De-calf-inated.

3. How do cows stay fit? They hoof it to the gym.

4. Why did the cow go on a diet? To trim the fat.

5. How did the cow win the talent show? It moooved the judges with its singing.

6. Why did the farmer give his cow a bell? Because its hips didn't lie.

7. What do you call a cow that plays an instrument? A moosician.

8. How does a cow talk on the phone? With a hoof-peaker.

9. What's a cow's favorite subject in school? Mooo-sic.

10. Why did the cow go to space? To see the mooooon.

11. How do cows write love letters? With a moose-quill pen.

12. What do you call a cow that loves disco? Beef-a-lo!

13. What do you call a cow that's a lawyer? A moo-torney.

14. Why did the cows go on strike? They wanted pasture-ty!

15. What do you call a cow that's a gossip? A mooer!

16. How do cows make friends? They're udderly friendly!

17. What do you call a cow on a trampoline? A jump-steak.

18. Why did the cow wear a winter coat? It was udderly freezing outside!

19. How do cows get their hair done? They go to the moo-tique.

20. What's a cow's favorite movie genre? Mooo-vies about dairy life.

21. Why did the cow join a band? To play the cow-bells.

22. What do you call a cow that's an artist? A moosterpiece.

23. How do cows use computers? With a moo-ouse.

24. What do you call a cow with a big ego? A moody bovine.

25. Why did the cow go to the seaside? To see the moo-ve.

26. How do cows get rid of stress? By listening to calf-music.

27. What do you call a cow that's a superhero? Udder-Man!

28. Why did the cows break up? They had too much beef.

29. How do cows solve difficult problems? By brainstorming with their herd.

30. What do you call a cow that makes cheese? A dairy-queen.

31. Why did the cow spend all day in the barn? It was udderly exhausted.

32. How do cows measure their weight? With a moo-scales.

33. What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground-beef.

34. Why did the cow go to Hollywood? To make it in the moo-vies.

35. What do you call a cow that's really far away? A cow-mote.

36. How do cows communicate with each other? With moo-tual respect.

37. Why did the cow become a vegan? It didn't want to be a moo-derer.

38. What do you call a cow that's a golfer? A fairway-moo.

39. How do cows stay cool in the summer? By drinking lots of moo-juice.

40. What do you call a cow with a bad attitude? An udder-ly obnoxious bovine.

41. Why did the cow go to art school? To brush up on its painting skills.

42. What do you call a cow that's a thief? A cattle-robber.

43. How do cows keep their skin smooth? With a moisturizing moo-scrub.

44. What do you call a cow that's in college? A moo-jor.

45. Why did the cow go to the doctor? It was feeling udderly sick.

46. How do cows practice yoga? With lots of moo-vements.

47. What do you call a cow that's really good at basketball? A shootin' bovine.

48. Why did the cow go to the hair salon? It needed to be moo-tivated.

49. How do cows sing in harmony? They use the moo-chromatic scale.

50. What do you call a cow that's a poet? A moo-se.
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