Fun Facts (Hints)

Puzzling questions have a rich history in literature and society in general. Here are a few things about riddles that you probably never knew:
  • Many scholars believe that there are only two types of riddles; enigma and conundrum.
  • Many ancient cultural stories from the Iroquois people are filled with whimsical joke-like riddles.
  • One very popular riddle form in the Kenyan culture is known as Mchongoano.
  • It is often said that every good riddle has a metaphor living inside of it.
  • Various studies have shown that people who regularly challenge their brains with riddles and puzzles have more brain activity than people who do so considerably less.
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    Eat Me With A Spoon Riddle

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    Sometimes Sweet Sometimes Sour Riddle

    An apple.
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    Drying Dresses Riddle

    In one hour. They will all dry at the same time.
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    A Pot Of Gold Riddle

    A rainbow
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    Hot Lava Below Riddle

    A volcano
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    Hungry Mood Riddle

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    Meant For Two Riddle

    Wedding ring
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    The Sea's Blue Skirt Riddle

    The Beach
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    I'm A Yellow Fellow Riddle

    I am a pencil.
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    Made From A Tree Riddle

    I am a desk.
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    Through The Hoop Riddle

    I am playing basketball.
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    I Have Four Legs Riddle

    A dining table.
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    Colorful House Riddle

    The White House is in Washington, D.C., United States.
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    Under The Umbrella Riddle

    It was not raining.
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    What Goes Up And Down Riddle

    A staircase. They go up and down, but youre the one moving.
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    Post Your Easy Riddles Puns Below

    Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Easy Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

    1. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

    2. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!

    3. How do crazy people go through the forest? They take the psychopath.

    4. Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

    5. Why shouldn't you tell a secret on a farm? Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears.

    6. Did you hear about the kidnapping at the playground? They woke up.

    7. What happens when you explain something to a donkey? Well, you are just talking to an ass.

    8. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels.

    9. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!

    10. What did the janitor say when he jumped out the closet? "Supplies!"

    11. I'm reading a book on the history of glue. I just can't seem to put it down.

    12. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.

    13. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired.

    14. What did one math book say to the other? I've got problems.

    15. I used to play piano by ear, now I use my hands.

    16. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.

    17. Do you know how to make a tissue dance? Put a little boogey in it!

    18. How does Moses make his coffee? Hebrews it.

    19. What happens when you eat too many alphabet letters? You end up with vowel movements.

    20. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.

    21. What did the grape say when it got crushed? Nothing, it just let out a little whine.

    22. Why don't oysters give to charity? Because they are shellfish.

    23. What do you do when you see a space man? You park, man.

    24. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.

    25. Why don't you ever see a hippopotamus hiding in a tree? Because they're really good at it.

    26. Why did the chicken go to the séance? To talk to the other side.

    27. I’m on a whiskey diet. I’ve lost three days already.

    28. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well.

    29. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a shark? Frostbite.

    30. Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was too tired.

    31. What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator.

    32. What did one toilet say to the other toilet? You look flushed.

    33. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.

    34. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels.

    35. What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t work? A stick.

    36. What do you get when you combine a joke with a rhetorical question?

    37. Why did the math book look so sad? Because it had too many problems.

    38. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.

    39. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide.

    40. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite.

    41. Why doesn't NASA ever send a cow to space? Because they can’t find anyone who understands the cow language.

    42. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one.

    43. Why did the boy bring a ladder to school? Because he wanted to go to high school.

    44. Why was the math book sad? It had too many problems.

    45. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a baker? Frosting.

    46. Why did the cross-eyed teacher lose her job? She couldn't control her pupils.

    47. Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts.

    48. What do you call an alligator in a suit? An investigator.

    49. What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick.

    50. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a tomato? Frosty the tomato.
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