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Riddles and Answers © 2024

A Dog's Favorite Pizza

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The Gyno And The Pizza Boy

They can smell it but they cant eat it!
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A Thousand Pizzas Riddle

The leaning tower of pizzas!
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The Pizza Business Riddle

He wanted to make some dough.
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Sleeping Pizza Riddle

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Mel Gibson And Pizza

Pizzas are good.
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An Aardvark's Pizza Riddle

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Fixing A Pizza Riddle

With tomato paste.
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Jack's World Riddle

Everything (each word) in Jack's World must contain double letters.
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Post Your Pizza Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Pizza Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. Why did the mushroom decide never to share his pizza? Because he was such a fungi!

2. What did the pepperoni say to the cheese when the pizza was done? That's amore!

3. Why did the pizza go to grad school? It wanted to get saucy!

4. What do you call a delivery guy named Tony who doesn't bring you pizza? A phony Tony!

5. Why did the vegetable pizza win the marathon? Because it had so much celery!

6. How does a pizza introduce itself? "I'm a pi-ZAZZ-a!"

7. What do you call a pizza wearing a watch? Time for pizza!

8. What does a pizza wear to the beach? A pizza bikini!

9. Why did the pizza go on a diet? It wanted to be a Lean-cuisine!

10. What's the difference between a pizza and a lawyer? One is cheesy, and the other one talks out of its crust!

11. What do you get when you cross a pizza with an onion? A pizza-pie!

12. Why did the tomato turn red on the pizza? Because it saw the pizza peel!

13. What does a pizza say when it doesn't want to be cut? "Don't slice me like that!"

14. Why did the pizza become a DJ? Because it knew how to top the charts!

15. What do you call a pizza that's too cheesy? A grate-dive!

16. Why did the pizza get a ticket? It was parked in the sauce-only zone!

17. What's the difference between a pizza and a sneeze? One is full of toppings, and the other one is nothing to be pepperoni'd!

18. Why did the pizza get a promotion at work? It had a lot of dough!

19. What do you call a pizza that's pretending to be Italian? A pasta-typi!

20. Why did the pizza give up flying? It was always getting sauced!

21. What do you call a pizza that's out of shape? A round-shouldered pie!

22. Why did the pizza go to space? To explore new toppings and ah-ham!

23. What do you call a pizza that's really moody? A saucy slice!

24. Why did the pizza take up pottery? It wanted to make a pear-meal dish!

25. What do you call a pizza that tells jokes? A pepper-punchline pie!

26. Why did the vegetarian pizza break up with its boyfriend? He was just too meaty for her!

27. What do you call a pizza that's subtly spicy? A paprika pie!

28. Why did the pizza chef get a tattoo of a pepperoni? It was a mayonnaise-ing of his love for the art of pizza!

29. What do you call a pizza that's always happy? A cheddar-cheery pie!

30. Why did the pizza break up with its girlfriend? She was too saucy for him!

31. What do you call a pizza that's always prepared for anything? A versatile-villa pie!

32. Why did the pizza professor get a Nobel prize? For discovering the theory of Pizzavoltaic energy!

33. What do you call a pizza that's not yet fully-cooked? A half-baked idea!

34. Why did the pizza go on a road trip? To check out all the pepperoni passages!

35. What do you call a pizza with a lisp? A peeza!

36. Why did the pizza go to the dentist? To get some fillings!

37. What do you call a pizza that's really shy? A crust-tacian!

38. Why did the pineapple-pizza get booed at the talent show? It was a little too hammy!

39. What do you call a pizza that's not quite sure of itself? A hesitant-honolulu pie!

40. Why did the pizza play the guitar? To serenade the mozzarella!

41. What do you call a pizza that's really into crafts? An artisanal pizza!

42. Why did the pizza get in trouble with the teacher? It was caught trying to bribe the grades with some extra cheese!

43. What do you call a pizza that's really good at math? A pi-izza!

44. Why did the pizza baker wear a cloak? To be pizza and mysterious!

45. What do you call a pizza that's always on the go? A pizza-mobile!

46. Why did the pizza go undercover? To investigate the case of the missing garlic butter sauce!

47. What do you call a pizza who's always changing its mind? A fickle-pie!

48. Why did the pizza wear a tutu? To dance to the to-ma-TOES!

49. What do you call a pizza that's allergic to cheese? An incomplete-pie!

50. Why did the pizza go on a hunger strike? To protest against the unfair distribution of toppings!
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