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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Predicting The Weather Riddle

He could feel it in his bones!
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Raining Turkeys Riddle

Foul weather!
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Rain Coming Down Riddle

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10 Fat Girls Riddle

Its not raining, its just a rainy season
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I Fall And Pour Riddle

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Down From The Clouds

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Enables Plants To Grow Riddle

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Made Of H2O Riddle

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End Of A Rainbow Riddle

Hint: It's in plain sight & it's not a pot of gold.
The letter W
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What Comes Down But Never Goes Up Riddle

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See It In The Sky Riddle

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The Torment Of Man Riddle

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A Walk In The Rain Riddle

The man is bald.
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Never Wetter Riddle

What never gets any wetter now matter how much it rains?
Body parts remaining: 6
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Teddy In The Rain

They get wet!
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Post Your Rain Riddles Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Rain Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. Why did the umbrella go to the doctor? It was feeling a little under the weather.

2. What do you call a wet bear? A drizzly bear.

3. Why did the raindrop quit its job? It wasn't making enough moisture.

4. How does a raincloud get a date? It makes a thunderous impression.

5. Why did the meteorologist bring a ladder to work? To climb up the precipitation chart.

6. What do you get when you cross a rainstorm and a snowstorm? A slizzard.

7. Why do we never watch television during a rainstorm? Because it's all reruns.

8. What does a rain shower say when it's angry? "I'm totally precipitated off right now."

9. Why don't owls like rainy days? Because their hoots get waterlogged.

10. What did the little raindrop say to the big raindrop? "You're really making a big splash around here!"

11. How does a snail stay dry during the rain? It carries a shell cell phone to call for a roof ride.

12. Why did the hippopotamus get sad during the rainy season? It couldn't go bask in the mud.

13. What do you get when you cross a rainy day with a snake's backyard? A hisstory lesson.

14. Why did the tomato farmer dance during the rain? Because he was making salsa.

15. What does an umbrella in the rainforest say to its owner? "You're really lichen me now."

16. Why did the adventurer stop in the middle of the rainforest during a storm? To wait for the tent-pitching jaguar.

17. How does a cat react when a downpour starts? It paws for shelter.

18. What does a weather vane say when it's been raining for days? "I think I'm stuck in a de-pressing cycle!"

19. Why did the frog carry an umbrella even though it's waterproof? Because it's always better to be ribbit safe than sorry.

20. What does a rainy day look like outside a bank? A cheque shower!

21. Why did the humidifier feel left out during the rainy season? Because it couldn't contribute to the drizzle.

22. How does a farmer make the most of the rainy season? They plant their crops by droplets.

23. What does a pirate say during a storm at sea? "Ahoy, there be thunderin' and lightnin'"

24. Why did the hitchhiker get picky during a downpour? Because they needed a driver who'd give them a windshield of opportunity.

25. What does a rainstorm feel like in space? Like cosmic tears falling from the sky.

26. Why do you never see a cat and a rat huddling together during a rainstorm? Because in the rain, each one shelters with different breeds.

27. What does a bubble do when it gets caught in the rain? It turns into a dewdrop.

28. How do ducks always stay dry during the rain? They use feather foreplay.

29. Why did the fisherman smile during the stormy weather? Because he knew the fish would be biting harder.

30. What do you call a fish who loves the rain? A splash of the sea.

31. Why did the hair stylist close shop during the rain? Because the hair was way too wet to handle.

32. What does a lumberjack in the rainforest do on a rainy day? They grow ferns of their own.

33. How does a snail get anywhere during the rain? By taking an escargot-tempo journey.

34. What does a raindrop feel like when it first hits the pavement? Like a tiny tap of a drummer boy's stick.

35. Why did the golfer give up on his game during a sudden rainstorm? Because every shot was just a damp squib.

36. What does a raindrop say when it falls off a leaf? "Don't leaf me now!"

37. Why do fish always start acting fishy during a raining? The droplets enhance their senses.

38. What does a wet dog do on a rainy day? Bark up the rain tree, of course!

39. Why did the vintage car owner hate rainy days? They were always worried about the paint job.

40. What does the sound of rain falling through trees sound like? The pitter-patter of a woodland drumline.

41. Why did the chef refuse to cook during the rainy season? Because there was no need to sauté water.

42. What do you call it when you wake up to a rain shower? Precipitaction!

43. How do birdwatchers enjoy the rain? They use rain canopies to shelter while birding.

44. Why did the kingfisher feel fishy during the rain? Because the fish would soon come swimming out to play.

45. What do you call a dance party that starts in the rain? A drizzlic tickle in your tippy toes.

46. How does a squirrel react when it gets sprinkled with rain? It turns into a dampened athlete.

47. Why did the shoe store owner get grumpy during the rain? Too many muddles to clean up.

48. What do you call a puddle in a rainforest? An amphibious water hole.

49. Why does rain always fall from the sky? Because it can't fall from the ground, silly.

50. What does a rainbow do after the rain? It arch-kos into a colorful sunset.
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