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Riddles and Answers © 2024

3 Men Hunting

It was Halloween night and they were dressed up as deer.
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Ask Me To Prom

He was too young. Boy, NOT teenage boy....
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Getting Ready For Prom

He lives in Alaska and sunrise's are every six months.
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Five Prom Couples Riddle

Mark and Susan wore red.
Quintin and Jessica wore blue.
Jim and Amanda wore pink.
Bob and Betty wore green.
James and Jasmin wore yellow.
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Crossing The Desert Riddle

He takes four weeks of food and leaves two weeks of food supplies in the one week mark and goes back with the one week of food supply left. Then he goes back with four weeks of food and picks up one week of food supplies from the one week mark giving him four again in total, then he leaves two weeks of supply in the two week mark and goes back to the one week mark and picks up the one week food supply to go back. Then he leaves with the four weeks of food supply and goes to the two week mark and picks up the two week food supplies that were there giving him four weeks of food again, then he goes to the Nile River with the four weeks supply of food.
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Displayed In December

A nativity scene
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The Miracle Mountain Riddle

Hint: This is not a trick. His watch works perfectly well. He does not sit in the same spot all day or any other such device, although it would not change the answer if he did!
The answer is (A). Since it must happen, the probability is actually 1 (100%).

Explanation: Firstly, consider 2 men, one starting from the top of the mountain and hiking down while the other starts at the bottom and hikes up. At some time in the day, they will cross over. In other words they will be at the same place at the same time of day.

Now consider our man who has walked up on one day and begins the descent the next day. Imagine there is someone (a second person) shadowing his exact movements from the day before. When he meets his shadower (it must happen) it will be the exact place that he was the day before, and of course they are both at this spot at the same time.

Contrary to our common sense, which seems to say that this is an extremely unlikely event, it is a certainty.

NOTE: There is one unlikely event here, and that is that he will notice the time when he is at the correct location on both days, but that was not what the question asked.
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Chances Of A 2nd Girl Riddle

Hint: It is not 1/2 as you would first think.

This is a famous question in understanding conditional probability, which simply means that given some information you might be able to get a better estimate.

The following are possible combinations of two children that form a sample space in any earthly family:

Boy - Girl
Girl - Boy
Boy - Boy
Girl - Girl

Since we know one of the children is a boy, we will drop the girl-girl possibility from the sample space.
This leaves only three possibilities, one of which is two boys. Hence the probability is 1/3
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Exposed To A Disease Riddle

The surgeon is the boys mother.
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Crossing Safety Riddle

The two boys go across. One of them get out. The other one goes back. He gets out and the man gets in. He goes across. Then the man gets out and the other boy gets in and goes across. Then the boy that was left gets in and now they both go across together.
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Attending The Funeral

They were grieving the dead batteries
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Shooting BB Guns Riddle

They wanted to shoot the breeze
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Known For Having Pointy Ears

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Dinner With Canaries

Because he was cheep.
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How Many Bears Riddle

When he is bare-footed.
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