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A Man Was Born In 1995 And Died In 1953 With Answers To Solve Riddles To Solve

Solving A Man Was Born In 1995 And Died In 1953 With Answers To Solve Riddles

Here we've provide a compiled a list of the best a man was born in 1995 and died in 1953 with answers to solve puzzles and riddles to solve we could find.

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A Man Was Born In 1995 Riddle

The first aspect that has to be noted in the question is that 1995 or 1953 cannot be specifically taken as years because it is not said that a man was born in the year and died in the certain year. These numbers can be taken as room numbers of a hospital also. A man was born in the room number 1995 and died in room number 1953. It can also be taken as a man born in the year 1995 died in the room number 1953 or vice versa. The possibilities are endless. We will not consider both the numbers given as years because it is not possible that one dies before one is born.
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A Man Was Born In 1995 Riddle

The first aspect that has to be noted in the question is that 1995 or 1953 cannot be specifically taken as years because it is not said that a man was born in the year and died in the certain year.

These numbers can be taken as room numbers of a hospital also.

A man was born in the room number 1995 and died in room number 1953.

It can also be taken as a man born in the year 1995 died in the room number 1953 or vice versa. The possibilities are endless.

We will not consider both the numbers given as years because it is not possible that one dies before one is born.
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Born In 1995 Riddle

He was born in Hospital room '1995' but he died in the year of 1953.
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Born And Died Riddle

He was born in room #1946 of the hospital when he was born, and died in room #1947 86 years later.
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A Man Had Died In His Apartment Riddle

April Fools, he didn't earn anything, he's dead.
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A Woman Was Born In 1975 And Died In 1975 Riddle

In the given question, it is not mentioned that the given number 1975 is an year.

So, It could be the hospital room number where she was born and then died at same(1975) room number in some hotel.

It could be the postal code of the area where she was born and died in the same place at the age 22 years.
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A Man Was Born In 2003 Riddle

He was born in hospital room 2003
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Man Born Before His Father Riddle

His father was in front of him when he was born, therefore he was born before him. His mother died while giving birth to him. Finally, he grew up to be a minister and married his sister at her ceremony.
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Old Man Ankit

Newspaper delivery man was the murderer because of absence of Wednesday and Thursday missing newspaper.

This indicates he already know that there is no one to read it.
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Born In B.C. Riddle

45 years old.

There is no year 0 so you can add 23 to 23 but you must subtract one to take year 0 out of consideration: 23 + 23 - 1 = 45 years old. In some cultures people are born 1 years old, in this case they would be 46 years old when they die.
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I Born In March

He was born in August in a town called March, became a priest and married his widowed mother to her second husband in February.
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Man In A Hole Riddle

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Man In The Maibox

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The Sturdy Feet Of Man

A bike
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The Graveyard Of Ol' Man Jenkins

1) The girl was wearing a dress at the graveyard. It was dark, so she hadn't noticed where she stuck the knife in the ground. She accidently stuck it in her dress (and the girl DID NOT get hurt by the knife in any way). That is what prevented her from running away.

2) Since the knife had her stuck, she was frighted that the rumor of the bony hand was true and had grabbed her, trying to pull her into the ground. She was truly terrified and died of fright.
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A Blind Man Has 2 Red Pills And 2 Blue Pills Riddle

Break each of the pills in half, as you do this pop one half in your mouth and lay the other half aside for tomorrow. When he’s done this with all four pills he will have consumed one red pill and one blue pill. And have the same left over.
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