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Farmer Stones Riddle

The stones weight 1 pound, 3 pounds, 9 pounds and 27 pounds. These can be used in combination with each other on both sides of the scale to come up with any counterweight from 1 to 40 pounds.
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Three Rivers Riddle

This problem has an infinite number of solutions modeled by the equation 8a=7n, where a is the amount of flowers the man starts with and n is the number of flowers he leaves at each grave. The simplest and possibly trivial solution would be to start with 0 flowers and leave 0 flowers at each grave. A more significant solution would be to start with 7 flowers and leave 8 at each grave. Any positive integer multiple of this solution also satisfies the conditions. For example, the man starts with 14 flowers and leaves 16 at each grave; so, 14 doubles to 28, and 28-16= 12; 12 doubles to 24, and 24-16= 8; 8 doubles to 16, and 16-16= 0. The result is the same if the man starts with 21 flowers and leaves 24 flowers at each grave, or starts with 28 and leaves 32.
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Staying Longer And Getting Stronger Riddle

A tea bag
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Wall Clock Riddle

Before I left, I wound the wall clock. When I returned, the change in time it showed equaled the time it took to go to my friend's and return, plus the time I spent there. But I knew the latter, because I looked at my friend's watch both when I arrived and when I left. Subtracting the time of the visit from the time I was absent from my house, and dividing by 2, I obtained the time it took me to return home. I added this time to the time my friend's watch showed when I left, and set this sum on my wall clock.
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Shotgun Pete Riddle

Pete owned 12 guns.
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The Cost Of Coffee Riddle

Because they have Italian titles for everything!
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The Longest Camping Trip Riddle

It is Wednesday. If it was any other day of the week, more than one statement would be true. To solve the riddle, evaluate each person's statement and write down what day it could be according to the statement. David's statement indicates it could be any day of the week except for Wednesday. When you list the days that it could be according to everyone's statement, it turns out Wednesday is the day mentioned only one time. Darryl: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday Tracy: Monday Melissa: Saturday Ben: Thursday Adrienne: Saturday Susie: Friday David: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday
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Standing On A Grape Riddle

Nothing, it just let out a little wine!
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Losing A New York Bet

This problem can be best solved using the pigeonhole principle.

The argument will go like this:
Assume that all the non-bald people in NYC have different number of hairs on their head. The population is about 9 million and let us assume that there are 8 million among them who are not bald.

Now, those 8 million people need to have different number of hairs. On an average, people have just 100, 000 hairs on their head. If we keep on assuming that there is someone with just one hair, someone with two, someone with three and so on, there will be 7, 900, 00 other people left who will have more than 100, 000 hairs on their head and need different number of hairs.

Now, as per this assumption, if we keep increasing one hair for each person, to make everybody hair different in numbers, we will come across someone with 8, 000, 000 hairs. But that is practically impossible (even 1, 000, 000 is impossible). Thus there must be two people who are having same number of hairs.
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Driven Without Wheels Riddle

A golf Ball
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Standstill Santa Riddle

Santa Pause!
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Between Land, Sea The The Sky

The Horizon
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Pink House Riddle

There are no stairs in a one story house.
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Hosting A Game Show Riddle

You better switch!

Your first choice has a 1/3 chance of having the car, and that does not change. The other two doors HAD a combined chance of 2/3, but now a Goat has been revealed behind one, all the 2/3 chance is with the other door.
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