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A Bloody New Car Riddle

She gave birth.
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Losing A New York Bet

This problem can be best solved using the pigeonhole principle.

The argument will go like this:
Assume that all the non-bald people in NYC have different number of hairs on their head. The population is about 9 million and let us assume that there are 8 million among them who are not bald.

Now, those 8 million people need to have different number of hairs. On an average, people have just 100, 000 hairs on their head. If we keep on assuming that there is someone with just one hair, someone with two, someone with three and so on, there will be 7, 900, 00 other people left who will have more than 100, 000 hairs on their head and need different number of hairs.

Now, as per this assumption, if we keep increasing one hair for each person, to make everybody hair different in numbers, we will come across someone with 8, 000, 000 hairs. But that is practically impossible (even 1, 000, 000 is impossible). Thus there must be two people who are having same number of hairs.
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The couple is either a man and his daughter or an uncle and his niece.
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This House Holds Rooms Riddle

A Dictionary.
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Husband, Wife And Mailman Riddle

The machine transfers the pain to the baby's father. The wife cheated on her husband with the mailman and it was his baby. It never mentions that the husband is the baby's father.
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I Stand Alone Riddle

The Lonely Mountain
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The Card Trick Riddle

The answer is very simple. All she had to do is take the fifteen cards from the top and reverse them. This would make another pile out of that and there will be two piles - one of 15 cards and one of 37 cards. Also both of them will have the same number of inverted cards.

Just think about it and if the mathematical explanation will help you understand better, here it is.

Assume that there were p inverted cards initially in the top 15 cards. Then the remaining 37 cards will hold 15-p inverted cards.
Now when she reverses the 15 cards on the top, the number of inverted cards will become 15-p and thus the number of inverted cards in both of the piles will become same.
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Peter's Proposal Riddle

Peter will have to use a lock box that can hold two locks. He will put the ring in a box and will mail it to Mary. Upon receiving the box, Mary will put her own lock box inside and will send back to Peter. Peter can then-then take off his lock and send it off to Mary again.
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Sun, Planet Or Moon Riddle

Hint: Read it again closely, because there is a clue!
The Sun!
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This Has No Lungs Riddle

A bubble made by bubble wands.
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The Climbing Trip Riddle

The man bought only one way ticket for his wife whereas he bought two way ticket for himself. It means that he was sure that he will be returning alone.
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The Family Murder Riddle

We know from (3) that the youngest person was not the victim, from (4) that the youngest person was not the helper and from (6) that the youngest person was not the killer. The youngest person can only have been the witness therefore. If we make up a chart there are now three possible combinations:

Oldest person (father) H H M

Next to oldest (mother) V M H

Next to youngest (son) M V V

Youngest (daughter) W W W

(H = Helper ; V = Victim ; M = Murderer ; W = Witness)

We can work out from (5) that the father was the oldest, from (2) that the youngest person must have been the daughter. Therefore the next to the youngest must have been the son and the next to the oldest, the mother.

Of three possibilities: the first is impossible (from (3) the youngest person and the victim were of different sexes); the third is also impossible (from (1) the witness and the helper were of different sexes). Therefore only the second possibility holds and the mother was the murderess
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The Dinner Party Riddle

Your wife shook hands with 4 people

If everybody shook hands with a different number of people, then the most any person shook hands with was 8 people, and in fact, a single person must have shaken hands with exactly 8 people. Figure out exactly who this person did - and didn't - shake hands with. Then go from there.
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Singing To The Queen Riddle

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat
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The Queen's Hat Riddle

It was off with her head!
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