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Longing Flames At Home

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Crossing The Desert Riddle

He takes four weeks of food and leaves two weeks of food supplies in the one week mark and goes back with the one week of food supply left. Then he goes back with four weeks of food and picks up one week of food supplies from the one week mark giving him four again in total, then he leaves two weeks of supply in the two week mark and goes back to the one week mark and picks up the one week food supply to go back. Then he leaves with the four weeks of food supply and goes to the two week mark and picks up the two week food supplies that were there giving him four weeks of food again, then he goes to the Nile River with the four weeks supply of food.
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Three Rats Riddle

So lets think this through. The rats can only avoid a collision if they all decide to move in the same direction (either clockwise or rati-clockwise). If the rats do not pick the same direction, there will definitely be a collision. Each rat has the option to either move clockwise or rati-clockwise. There is a one in two chance that an rat decides to pick a particular direction. Using simple probability calculations, we can determine the probability of no collision.
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The Miracle Mountain Riddle

Hint: This is not a trick. His watch works perfectly well. He does not sit in the same spot all day or any other such device, although it would not change the answer if he did!
The answer is (A). Since it must happen, the probability is actually 1 (100%).

Explanation: Firstly, consider 2 men, one starting from the top of the mountain and hiking down while the other starts at the bottom and hikes up. At some time in the day, they will cross over. In other words they will be at the same place at the same time of day.

Now consider our man who has walked up on one day and begins the descent the next day. Imagine there is someone (a second person) shadowing his exact movements from the day before. When he meets his shadower (it must happen) it will be the exact place that he was the day before, and of course they are both at this spot at the same time.

Contrary to our common sense, which seems to say that this is an extremely unlikely event, it is a certainty.

NOTE: There is one unlikely event here, and that is that he will notice the time when he is at the correct location on both days, but that was not what the question asked.
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The Cheap Mp3 Player

With only 6 tracks on the player:
The first chapter has been set to play first. The probability of the next 5 chapters playing in order is 1/5! = 1/120.

With the music on the player as well:
Seeing as I don't care about when the music plays, it doesn't change anything. The answer is still 1/120.
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Dressed In All Black

It was day time.
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The Wheels Go Go Round And Round

A school bus
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The Houses Of Parliament

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You Might Need A Tube Map

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Ticking In Its Weary Pace

Big Ben. The clock in London.
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Wheels Go Round Riddle

A bus.
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Sometimes Yellow Riddle

A bus
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Baseball Caves Riddle

They don't like bats.
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Two Identical Soldiers

The one that went on foot is because it takes more than one soldier to operate a tank.
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Kidnapping The Queens Son

The Queen lives in a beautiful castle with her only son and a sheep-dog named Sir FooFoo. One day the Queen decides to go out for a spot of tea with some friends. She leaves her eight-year-old son in the care of her trusted servants. The 18 servants are: Harold the health instructor, Griffith the gardener, Tiffany the private tutor, Philip the photographer, Magdalina the maid, Boris the Butler, Geraldo the groundskeeper, Bernadette the barber, Sandy the sweeper, Anastasia the accountant, Constantine the carpenter, Joel the jester, Lucy the launderer, Sadie the seamstress, McKenzie the musical instructor, Lawrence the lawyer, Dorothy the dentist, Devon the doctor, and Surlamina the Secretary of State. When the Queen came home she discovered her son was missing and that he was kidnapped. The Queen came to a conclusion that it must've been one of her servants who kidnapped her son because he was too young to leave on his own and Sir FooFoo was harmless. The Queen interviewed all of her servants to see which one was responsible for the kidnapping. The alibis are as follows: Harold was lifting weights, Griffith was planting roses, Tiffany was checking homework, Philip was taking pictures of the botanical garden, Magdalina was making the beds, Boris was cleaning the banisters, Geraldo was supervising Griffith , Bernadette was trimming Sir FooFoo's hair, Sandy was sweeping in the corners, Anastasia was managing the Queen's affairs, Constantine was building a birdhouse, Joel was coming up with the jokes, Lucy was doing the laundry, Sadie was designing a dress for the Queen, McKenzie was playing the flute, Lawrence was suing the bank, Dorothy was preparing to extract the Queen's tooth when the Queen came home, Devon was examining an x-ray of the Queen's arm, and Surlamina was being a Secretary of State.

Who is the kidnapper?
Surlamina is responsible for the kidnapping because there is no Secretary of State in a monarchy. It is believed that Surlamina kidnapped the Queen's son because she was not given a real job.
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