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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Discharge Of The Rifle

Biggs, who saw the smoke, would be first; Carpenter, who saw the bullet strike the water, would be second; and Anderson, who heard the report, would be last of all.
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A Man In The Shadows Riddle

Kill me
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The Homicide Team Riddle

If the man killed himself, he would not have been able to rewind the cassette. Thus it is clear someone else killed him.
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Condemned To Death Riddle

Hint: When's the last time you ate?
The 3rd one because the lions should have died after not eating for 3 years.
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Surrounded By Cats Riddle

It is simple. You kill the two animals with two bullets i.e. tiger and leopard and then make a run in the Jaguar (a car brand).
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The Glass Of Water Riddle

The man had the hiccoughs, and waiter scared them out of him.
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Shooting Mr. Door Riddle

Mr. Box and Mr. Door had been in the navy together years ago. They had both been on a ship that had shipwrecked in the Pacific. A group of men had survived on a liferaft but didnt have any food. Mr. Door was a navy doctor. He suggested that he would amputate each of their left arms for food. There was, however, no other doctor available to amputate Mr. Doors arm. To make it fair, Mr. Door promised that when they were back home again, he would have his arm amputated also. Mr. Door had sent Mr. Box an arm in the mail. Mr. Box assumed it was Mr. Doors arm, but when Mr. Box visited Mr. Door and saw that he still had both of his arms, he became very angry that Mr. Door had not followed through on his side of the bargain and shot him.
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Famous American Presidents Riddle

Lincoln and Kennedy.
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Dead In The Alley Way

The tape started at the beginning and the gun shot was at the end. how could the man rewind the tape if he was already dead? Plus, the murderer could've used the the handkerchief to hold the gun and then puts the man's hand on the gun when he was dead so only his fingerprints were left behind.
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Found Dead On A Bed

It was suicide. The man was the smallest midgit in the world and his friend was the second smallest midget in the world and they worked at a circus. His friend was jealous of him so he broke a yardstick (note: that was the broken stick on the bed) and marked it at four feet. When his friend measured his height, it looked like he grew making him very depressed which led to killing himself thus making his friend the smallest midget in the world. (Bet you never saw that one coming).
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The Picnic Pattern Riddle

Hint: Look at the first letters of what Damien says, then look at the first letter of what Jade and Alicia say. Think about it, but not too hard!
They were spelling out the name of the person who would go after them.

(Damien said Juice, Art, Dirt, and Elephants-JADE)
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Fighting In A Truel

Hint: Think from the points of view of Mr. Gray and Mr. White, not just Mr. Black.
He should shoot at the ground.

If Mr. Black shoots the ground, it is Mr. Gray's turn. Mr. Gray would rather shoot at Mr. White than Mr. Black, because he is better. If Mr. Gray kills Mr. White, it is just Mr. Black and Mr. Gray left, giving Mr. Black a fair chance of winning. If Mr. Gray does not kill Mr. White, it is Mr. White's turn. He would rather shoot at Mr. Gray and will definitely kill him. Even though it is now Mr. Black against Mr. White, Mr. Black has a better chance of winning than before.
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A Glass Of Water

Hint: Why would the man want a glass of water?
The man had the hiccups and wanted a glass of water to help get rid of them. The bartender could hear the hiccups when the man spoke, so he brought the gun out to scare the hiccups away. It worked and the man thanked him and left, no longer needing the glass of water.
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Hunter Polar Bear Riddle

He starts at at the NORTH POLE.

This means he walks south for a mile, but when he heads east for a mile he's just walking round in part of a circle, and stays one mile from the North pole. Therefore he only has to walk a mile north to get back!

So what color is the bear? It has to be a polar bear, so it's WHITE!
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A Drunk Man Comes Home Riddle

The answer to this riddle is in the statement itself. If you read the first statement, you shall get the answer.

The 1st statement says: A drunk man comes home and finds his wife in the bed with another man

Here a drunk man come to home. So as per the statement, the man is already drunk and he had to open the bottle first to get drunk.

Therefore, Bottle is the correct answer to the A drunk man comes home riddle.
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