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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Try Stand 2 Riddle

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I Make Two People Out Of One Riddle

A mirror
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I Have Two Hands Riddle

A clock
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Walks Lawns Fountains Riddle

The correct answer is the chair. The chair has legs but it cannot walk, the chair has arms but it cannot be reached but still, they are strong.
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What Is Seen Directly Before January And February Riddle

Among all the twelve months in a year the two foremost months - January and February have a common ending.

The word January is derived from the Latin word 'Januarius' which means 'the month of Janus' Janus is also called the two-faced God. He is the Roman god who presides over doors and beginnings.

He symbolizes all beginnings and exhibits the capacity to foretell the past and the future.

Since January is the first month of the year it represents the door to the time calendar.

February is derived from the Latin word 'Februarius'. Februa is the name of a famous purification feast held in this month. Hence the name evolved into February.

Thus both these months have names derived from Latin and a common ending with the letters 'uary'.
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How Many Dolphins Are There Riddle

6 dolphins.
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At A Four Legged Table Riddle

There are 10 legs under the table in total. We have a grandmother (a mother), her daughter (both a mother and a daughter) and her granddaughter (a daughter and granddaughter) hence how we have the number of mothers and daughters sat around the table.
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$97 Shirt Riddle

The two $49 figures mentioned in the riddle? Those are inconsequential for actually solving it - they're the debt this fashionable shopper owes his or her parents, not the money that actually changed hands during any of the transactions. So, in truth, the dollar didn't "go" anywhere; it's been there all along. You just have to know where to look for it - and what not to be distracted by.
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A Drunk Man Comes Home Riddle

The answer to this riddle is in the statement itself. If you read the first statement, you shall get the answer.

The 1st statement says: A drunk man comes home and finds his wife in the bed with another man

Here a drunk man come to home. So as per the statement, the man is already drunk and he had to open the bottle first to get drunk.

Therefore, Bottle is the correct answer to the A drunk man comes home riddle.
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What Do Cheerleaders Eat For Breakfast Riddle

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Butterfly Bat Duck Riddle

The duck could be found in between the dog’s hind legs, it’s the shape formed by the hind legs. The bat as in the mammal and not a playing bat can be found in between the elbow of the boy and the girl. Look closely to find the shape of a bat. The butterfly can be found on the tree leaves in the background if you look closely enough. The trick is to find the shape and not the complete item.
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Sweeter Than Honey Hotter Than Sun Riddle

Nothing. Nothing is sweeter than honey or hotter than the sun. The King needs nothing, the beggar has nothing. Eat nothing and you die of starvation.
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Chicken Egg Banana Riddle

1 Chicken = 20 - So, 20 + 20 + 20 = 60
1 Egg Basket = 3 - So, 20 + 3 + 3 = 26
1 Bunch of Bananas = 6 - So, 3 + 6 + 6 = 15
Finally, Chicken = 20 ; Egg Basket = 3 ; Bananas = 6 - So, 20 + 3 x 5 = 35

The final answer is 35
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Witch Broom Wand Riddle

Answer: 73 ...Broom - 3 (2nd picture compose of 2 brooms) that gives you 3+3+3+3 = 12 ...Wand - 7 (3 wands equal 21) ...Witch - 5 (15 each while carrying broom and wand giving you 45, so remove them in the last picture ...So 3 + (5x14) = 73
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A Man Had Died In His Apartment Riddle

April Fools, he didn't earn anything, he's dead.
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