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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Coffee Diner Riddle

Hint: A man walks into a diner and sits down. There's a new waitress working that he's never seen before. When she comes to his table to take his order, he says "Just a cup of coffee please." A few minutes later the waitress brings the man his coffee and heads
Because the coffee was sweet. The man had added sugar to his coffee before noticing the fly. When the waitress brought him the "new" cup of coffee, he took a sip (to check whether it was in fact a newly poured cup of coffee) and noticed that the coffee was "already" sweet.
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The Reckless Bus Driver Riddle

He was walking...not driving.
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The Double Decker Bus Riddle

The deceased!
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Food Colors Riddle

It's green!
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I Am An 8 Letter Word Riddle

Hint: I'm a phone app

1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th letter -> WHAT (A Question)

2nd , 3rd and 4th letter -> HAT (protects our head)
5th , 6th and 7th letter -> SAP or more precisely SAP-LABS ( A German multinational software corporation that makes enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations)
7th and 8th letter -> PP (same)
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Marrying The Princess Riddle

Hint: You know that your competitors are very intelligent and want nothing more than to marry the princess. You also know that the king is a man of his word, and he has said that the test is a fair test of intelligence and bravery.
Answer: White.

The king would not select two white hats and one black hat. This would mean two princes would see one black hat and one white hat. You would be at a disadvantage if you were the only prince wearing a black hat.

If you were wearing the black hat, it would not take long for one of the other princes to deduce he was wearing a white hat.

If an intelligent prince saw a white hat and a black hat, he would eventually realize that the king would never select two black hats and one white hat. Any prince seeing two black hats would instantly know he was wearing a white hat. Therefore if a prince can see one black hat, he can work out he is wearing white.

Therefore the only fair test is for all three princes to be wearing white hats. After waiting some time just to be sure, you can safely assert you are wearing a white hat.
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Dressed In Copper Riddle

Statue of Liberty
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What Has A Head A Tail Is Brown And Has No Legs

A penny
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Accused Of Confusion Riddle

A riddle.
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Prohibited Chess Riddle

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This House Holds Rooms Riddle

A Dictionary.
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The Homicide Team Riddle

If the man killed himself, he would not have been able to rewind the cassette. Thus it is clear someone else killed him.
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A Walk In The Desert Riddle

The third man. This is because he knows there are only two of each color cap. If the man behind him (the fourth man) saw two caps that were the same color in front of him, he would know that his own must be the opposite. However, because the caps alternate in color. The fourth man has only a 50% chance of getting his hat color correct, so therefore he stays quiet. The third man realizes that the fourth man is quiet because he must not see two caps of the same color in front of him, otherwise the fourth man would say the opposite of the caps in front of him. Therefore, the third man presumes his own cap must be the opposite of the mans in front of him, and his presumption is correct. Under this same logic, after the third man speaks his color hat, the second man, even though he sees only wall, would be the next to go free, because he knows his cap must be the opposite of whichever color the third mans cap was.
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Out The Abandoned Building Riddle

If the man had committed suicide, the window that he jumped from should have been left opened. But all the windows facing the dead body were closed. This means that someone closed the window after the man died.
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Forty-foreheads Riddle

In a pond, there were forty elephants. Those elephants had forty-fore heads. How can this be feasible in real world?
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