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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Ship Thief Riddle

The thief is the Sri Lankan seaman. They are on a Japanese ship, so it will bear a Japanese flag. The Japanese flag will look the same upside down.
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Thick Liquid Riddle

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A Bell Rings Riddle

A man takes his blind friend swimming. The seeing man stands on the shore with a handbell to ring so that the blind man can find his way back to shore if he starts getting too far out. There is a buoy with a bell on it floating out far from shore. The blind man hears the buoy's bell and thinks it's his friend's bell so he follows the sound- further out in the water. The friend on shore sees what is happening and begins shouting and ringing his bell furiously. The blind man becomes exhausted out near the buoy and drowns.

A bell rings (the bell on the buoy)
a man cries (the seeing man cries as in shouting out, not sadness crying)
A bell rings (the bell of the seeing man)
a man dies (the blind swimmer)
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The Tenth Floor Elevator Riddle

Hint: The elevator is perfectly normal and the design of the building is perfectly normal, but there is something different about the man.
The man is very short (i.e. a little person).

Because of his short stature, the man is unable to reach any higher than the button for the 7th floor (elevator floor number buttons are laid out in descending floor order from top to bottom).
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Two In A Row Riddle

Hint: Who does he need to beat to win?

To beat two games in a row, it is necessary to win the second game. This means that it would be to his advantage to play the second game against the weaker player. Though he plays his father twice, he has a higher chance of winning by playing his mother second.
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The Blue And Red Dice Riddle

Each die has 6 faces. When two dice are thrown, there are 36 equally possible results. For chances to be even, there must be 18 ways of getting the same color on top. Let X be the number of red faces on the second die. We have: 18 = 5X + 1(6 - X)

X = 3

The second die must have 3 red faces and 3 blue faces.
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Catching A Bullet Riddle

Alan fires his bullet from a .25 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), which will reach a maximum height of 2,287 feet. He shoots directly upward while standing at the base of Burj Khalifa, a 2,722 foot tall building.

Wade is a window cleaner at that building, waiting at 2,287 feet. When the bullet reaches that height and is about to go back down again, he reaches out with his bare hands and catches it.
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Evacuating From A Hurricane Riddle

You give the car to your best friend. He takes the lady to the hospital in your car. You wait with the woman of your dreams until your friend comes back in his van which can carry 5 people. Then you leave before the hurricane comes.
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7B91011 Riddle

Jason McCubbins, Ray's business partner.

The calendar was the clue to solving this murder. The police realized that since Mr. Whitcombe was wearing his watch on his right arm, he must have been left-handed. Realizing that the number on the calendar was written in a hurry and with his opposite hand, police matched the written number with the months of the year. So the B was an 8, thereby giving us 7-8-9-10-11: July, August, September, October, November. Use the first letter of each month and it spells J-A-S-O-N.
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Not Often Riddle

More often than not!
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A Blind Man Has 2 Red Pills And 2 Blue Pills Riddle

Break each of the pills in half, as you do this pop one half in your mouth and lay the other half aside for tomorrow. When he’s done this with all four pills he will have consumed one red pill and one blue pill. And have the same left over.
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A Cottage Is Robbed Riddle

Windows freeze and and get covered with ice from the inside and the neighbor was breathing on them from the outside.
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I Have Two Arms But Fingers None Riddle

A wheelbarrow
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Chicken Fox And Grain Riddle

Take the chicken over first. Go back and bring the grain next, but instead of leaving the chicken with the grain, come back with the chicken. Leave the chicken on the first side and take the fox with you. Leave it on the other side with the grain. Finally, go back over and get the chicken and bring it over.
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A Man Comes Home From Work Riddle

The Man was Blind so he suspects that his wife is in some danger and thus calls the police.
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