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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Faster Than Six Brothers

A virgin.
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Malcolm's Age Riddle

Malcolm is 6.
The father is 42. 42 days = 6 weeks.
The grandfather is 72. 72 months = 6 years.
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Tommy Pickle's Cousin Riddle

Busy older cousin of Tommy on Rugrats
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The Day Of My Birthday

December 31. Let's assume that December 31 is my correct birthday. Now let's also assume that I am 21 and that today is January 1st (the day after my birthday). That would mean that the day before yesterday (December 30) I would be 20. That fits the riddle so far, but here comes the tricky part!
Let's also say that the current year is 2013. So to clarify, today is January 1st 2013. Next year would be 2014, and the trick is that I will have two more birthdays by the end of 2014, one on December 31st 2013 (22 years old) and one on December 31st 2014 (23 years old).So in 2014, the year after 2013, I will actually turn 23! It's a tricky riddle. Best way to go about it is to use trial and error with all the answers and to also keep an open mind about what "next year" means.
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Little Johnny's Bet Riddle

He just doesn't take the bet. This gives him a 100 percent chance of getting the money home. If he takes the bet with 1 die he has a 50 percent chance of winning. If he takes the bet with 2 dice he has about a 56 percent chance of winning. If he takes the bet with 3 dice he has about a 42 percent chance of winning.
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You'll See Me Riddle

The Number Twelve (12).

Noon and midnight are both 12 oclock and the Twelve Days of Christmas is a popular Christmas carol.

There are twelve face cards in a standard 52-card deck and twelve is the largest number with one syllable.

There are twelve steps in Alcoholics Anonymous, a troy pound is 12 ounces, there were 12 tribes of Israel and a popular movie was called, Twelve Angry Men (12 members of the jury). There are twelve function keys on your keyboard. F1 often shows a help screen and F5 reloads pages in your browser.

Many recipes measure items by the dozen, adding one more for a bakers dozen. There are twelve months in a year.
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Four Days Of School Riddle

The student is double counting a lot of the days. A lot of the time spent sleeping, eating, and relaxing occurs during weekends and the summer. Weekends also occur during the summer, so all of these hours are getting counted several times.

And, school is not an all day affair. So the 4 days actually represents more days of school. If school is 6 hours per day, those four days represents 16 days of school.
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Condemned To Death Riddle

Hint: When's the last time you ate?
The 3rd one because the lions should have died after not eating for 3 years.
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The Psychic Son Riddle

Her son was pointing at her reflection on the TV screen. The mother is going to die in three days.
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Down The Well Riddle

The mother would remove the bodies from the well and hide them. When she was killed and thrown down the well, nobody removed and hid her.
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Husband, Wife And Mailman Riddle

The machine transfers the pain to the baby's father. The wife cheated on her husband with the mailman and it was his baby. It never mentions that the husband is the baby's father.
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John's Three Daughters Riddle

"Is she older than her?"

Explanation: (He would ask one of the daughters if one of the other daughters is older than the last daughter). He always should pick the younger daughter based on what he knows. If he asks the older daughter and she says yes, then the youngest daughter will be known. If he asks the older daughter and she says no, then the youngest daughter is the other one. If he asks the youngest daughter and she says yes, she is lying and he will still pick the oldest. If he asks the youngest and she says no, he will just pick the other like in the first case. If he asks the middle daughter it doesn't matter because both will be acceptable choices.
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The Piggy Bank Riddle

The girl was born on 29 February. Thus her birthday came once in four years only while her sister was born on a normal day and celebrated her birthday every year. Thus the girl had a chance of depositing money only 10 times in 4 years through which she collected $2500 while her sister took $50 from the piggy bank every year making the total amount to be $2000. Thus when the piggy bank was opened, it had just $500.
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Going The Wrong Way Riddle

The question tells us that a taxi driver was going the wrong way. It is however not mentioned that he was driving the cab. As per the question, it is evident that he was on foot and that is why the police officer did not fine him.
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A Pool Of Blood

The man was a fisherman and was telling somebody on the phone about the large fish he caught. When he used his hands to gesture how big the fish was he hit the glass breaking it and cutting himself.
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