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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Rough Around The Edges Riddle

A bad apple.
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Maggot Stuck In An Apple

Worm your way out of that one!
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Making An Apple Turnover

Push it down a hill
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The Jelly Role Riddle

It saw the apple turn over.
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Sarah's Seven Apples

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!
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I Taste Good To Eat

I am an apple!
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Red, Green Or Yellow Riddle

An apple
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Apples In The Family Riddle

They are Grandfather - Father - Son. The middle is a father and a son at the same time!
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Apples In A Basket Riddle

The answer is that one girl took the basket. She took the last apple while it was in the basket.
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20 Apples Riddle

Place the apple on one person's head.
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Not A Potato Riddle

An apple
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Juicy On The Inside Riddle

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Sometimes Sweet Sometimes Sour Riddle

An apple.
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Sharing Apples Riddle

Make applesauce.
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Hal And Al

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
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Post Your Apple Riddle Puns Below

Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Apple Riddle of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

1. Why did the apple break up with the orange? Because it couldn't resist its new Honeycrisp

2. How did the apple get into shape? By doing core exercises

3. Why did the apple go to the doctor? It was feeling a little rotten

4. How do you make an apple turnover? Push it down a hill

5. Why did the apple start to act like a clock? It wanted to be the apple-timer

6. How do you keep an apple from getting rotten? Put it in a fruit jar

7. Why did the apple go to school? It wanted to be a smart-apple

8. What's the difference between an apple and a grape? The apple gets mashed up, while the grape gets stomped

9. Why did the apple get a job as a DJ? It wanted to be the core of the party

10. Why did the apple break up with the pear? Because it was just the same old fruit

11. How do you know if an apple is a superhero? It's always saving the day

12. Why did the apple take up boxing? It was tired of being picked on

13. What did the apple say to the orange? "You're grape, but I'm apple-y better"

14. Why did the apple join the military? It wanted to be a private-fruit

15. Why did the apple cross the road? To get to the cider-side

16. How do you make an apple pie? Steal someone's recipe

17. Why did the apple go to the beach? It wanted to get a tan-core

18. Why did the apple go to the gym? It wanted to be more than just a fruit bowl

19. How do you make an apple laugh? Tickle its stem

20. Why did the apple win the race? It was the only one with a-peeling speed

21. Whose the coolest teacher in school? The one who always gets to the core of the problem

22. Why did the apple get a tattoo? It wanted to be more a-peel-ing

23. What do you get when you cross an apple with a computer? A Mac-intosh

24. How do you make an apple happy? Give it a core-mpliment

25. Why did the apple run for mayor? It was tired of just being a side-dish

26. What did the apple say when it got lost in the woods? "Oh no, I think I've gone too far stem-ward"

27. What do you call an apple who's always traveling? A roam-in' apple

28. Why did the apple break up with the banana? It didn't want its core to split

29. How do you make an apple bounce? Drop it on a trampoline

30. Why did the apple go to the library? It wanted to be in the know-core

31. What's an apple's favorite TV show? The Big Bang Core

32. Why did the apple go to the dentist? It had a rotten tooth

33. Why did the apple go to the gym again? Its stem was getting too big

34. How do you make an apple run fast? Give it a-peel

35. What's an apple's favorite music? Core-o-pop

36. Why did the apple go to the playground? It wanted to be a swing-core

37. How do you make an apple look small? Put it next to a watermelon

38. What did the apple say when he was feeling lonely? "I need to find myself a honeycrisp"

39. Why did the apple go to the ballgame? It wanted to be a hit with the crowd-core

40. How do you make an apple sound like a cat? Put it through an apple-lator

41. What do you call an apple who's always telling jokes? A pun-kl

42. Why did the apple go to the bar? It was looking for some hard-cider

43. What do you call an apple who's always taking risks? A core-adventurer

44. How do you make a boring apple fun? Turn it into apple-sauce

45. Why did the apple start a band? It wanted to be the core of attention

46. What do you get when you cross an apple with a superhero? A Mighty Mac

47. Why did the apple go to space? It wanted to be the core of the galaxy

48. How do you make an apple bright? Stick a candle in it

49. Why did the apple get a job as a detective? It wanted to be the core of the investigation

50. What did the apple say when it couldn't figure something out? "I need to use my brain-stem"
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