Fun Facts (Hints)

Think you may need a bit of help in your quest to conquer some of the best riddles around? Here are some historical cues about the art of the riddle:
  • When you think of riddles, do you think of the game Charades? Well you should since this modern game is essentially derived from this age-old art form.
  • The definition of what a riddle is, is something that important scholarly figures have quarreled over for much of recorded history.
  • There are two main types of riddle: enigma, and conundrum.
  • The riddle is considered a very important literary device, because it helps to grasp the attention of the audience by coercing the audience into trying to be thoroughly aware.
  • It is a common belief of literary experts that it is almost always a probability that good metaphors come from the best riddles.
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    Riddles and Answers © 2024

    Easy To Flex Riddle

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    Using Protection Riddle

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    Grown And Bought Riddle

    Sands in an hourglass.
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    I A N Riddle

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    The Reason For Cemeteries Riddle

    Ninja need a away to keep the score!
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    The 60 Second Sentence

    It contains all of the letters in the alphabet.
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    Summer Shape Hangout Riddle

    Coney Island.
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    Drinking Before Your Audition Riddle

    Tea-Lo Green
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    Providing Light Riddle

    The sun
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    Part Of A Man Riddle

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    Rabbit Fleas Riddle

    Bugs Bunny.
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    The Everyday Gateway

    I am a door
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    The Endless Call Riddle

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    What Has No Beginning End Or Middle

    A doughnut
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    Creating Strength Riddle

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    Post Your Best Riddles Puns Below

    Can you come up with a cool, funny or clever Best Riddles of your own? Post it below (without the answer) to see if you can stump our users.

    1. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

    2. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was out-standing in his field.

    3. Why did the coffee file a police report? Because it got mugged.

    4. Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn't peeling well.

    5. How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogey in it.

    6. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.

    7. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one.

    8. Why did the tomato go out with a prune? Because it couldn't get a date.

    9. What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato.

    10. How do you organize a space party? You planet.

    11. What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investi-gator.

    12. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide.

    13. How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogey in it.

    14. Why did the pumpkin stop working? It ran out of juice.

    15. What do you call a can opener that doesn't work? A can't opener.

    16. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

    17. What do you call a bear that has no teeth? A gummy bear.

    18. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it was feeling crummy.

    19. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a shark? Frostbite.

    20. What do you call a snobbish criminal going down stairs? A condescending con descending.

    21. Why did the tree go to the dentist? To get its bark checked.

    22. Why don't oysters share their pearls? Because they're shellfish.

    23. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.

    24. Why did the bicycle fall over? It was two-tired.

    25. Why did the scarecrow go on vacation? To get a fresh straw-tan.

    26. What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate? A candy baa.

    27. Why did the rapper carry an umbrella? Fo' drizzle.

    28. Why did the tomato turn green? Because it was not ripe.

    29. What do you call a belt made out of dollar bills? A waist of money.

    30. Why are frogs so happy? They eat whatever bugs them.

    31. What do you get when you cross a pig and a centipede? Bacon and legs.

    32. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

    33. What did one wall say to the other? "I'll meet you at the corner."

    34. What's the difference between a poorly dressed man on a trampoline and a nicely dressed man on a trampoline? Attire.

    35. Why don't ants get sick? They have tiny ant-bodies.

    36. Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two-tired.

    37. Why was the belt arrested? It was holding up pants.

    38. Why do chicken coops only have two doors? Because if they had four, they would be a chicken sedan.

    39. How do you organize a space party? You planet.

    40. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? It was feeling crummy.

    41. Why did the duck go to the doctor? Because he was feeling a little down.

    42. Why did the skeleton break up with his girlfriend? He didn't have the guts.

    43. What do you call a fish that wears a bowtie? Sofishticated.

    44. Why do sailors make bad monks? Because they're always looking for a better berth.

    45. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

    46. Why did the frog call his insurance company? He had a jump in his car.

    47. Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

    48. What do you call a cow that plays an instrument? A moosician.

    49. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

    50. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one.
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