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Age Of Three Daughters Riddles

3, 3, and 8. The only groups of 3 factors of 72 to have non-unique sums are 2 6 6 and 3 3 8 (with a sum of 14). The rest have unique sums:

2 + 2 + 18 = 22
2 + 3 + 12 = 18
2 + 4 + 9 = 15
3 + 4 + 6 = 13

The house number alone would have identified any of these groups. Since more information was required, we know the sum left the answer unknown. The presence of a single oldest child eliminates 2 6 6, leaving 3 3 8 as the only possible answer.
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Fly Through The Air Riddle

A trampoline
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Served But Not By A Waiter Riddle

A volleyball: serving is a classic volleyball move, and a serve that drops without the opposing team touching it is called an ace.
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One Light And Three Switches

This riddle is a favorite among many. No diversions into logical theory or mathematics, just a fun puzzle with a satisfying answer.
Flip switch number 1 and wait a few minutes. Flip switch number 1 back to its original position, and then immediately flip switch number 2.

Open the door. If the light is on, then switch number 2 controls it. If the light is off, then go and feel the bulb with your hand. If the bulb is hot, the switch number 1 controls it, and if the bulb is cold, then switch number 3, the one you did not touch, controls it.
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7 Guys 6 Rooms Riddle

He never did anything with the 7th guy.
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Banana Clock Riddle

Hint: 1. Look closely at the clock. 2. Number of Bananas. 3. Some thing regarding the sides of the Shapes figure.

Logic :
From 1st the hexagon shape has value 15.
The shape has 15 edges(6 of hexagon,5 of Pentagon and 4 of Square)
From 2nd we get value of one bunch of bananas is 4.
So each banana has value of 1.
From 3rd we get that each clock has value of 3.
Which resembles the time on the clock which is 3.
Hence by using these insights, we get the last required values as
Clock = 2 (2 in the clock)
Bananas = 3 (3 bananas in the bunch)
Hexagon = 11 (Hexagon[6 sides] and pentagon[5 sides], so 6+5=11)
So required value is
2+3+33=? (Multiply first - Bodmas rule)
5+33=38 and hence the answer is 38.
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Three Gods Riddle

A possible solution is:

Q1: Ask god B, "If I asked you 'Is A Random?', would you say ja?". If B answers ja, either B is Random (and is answering randomly), or B is not Random and the answer indicates that A is indeed Random. Either way, C is not Random. If B answers da, either B is Random (and is answering randomly), or B is not Random and the answer indicates that A is not Random. Either way, you know the identity of a god who is not Random.

Q2: Go to the god who was identified as not being Random by the previous question (either A or C), and ask him: "If I asked you 'Are you False?', would you say ja?". Since he is not Random, an answer of da indicates that he is True and an answer of ja indicates that he is False.

Q3: Ask the same god the question: "If I asked you 'Is B Random?', would you say ja?". If the answer is ja, B is Random; if the answer is da, the god you have not yet spoken to is Random. The remaining god can be identified by elimination.
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Ring Made Of Leaves

A Christmas Wreath
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A Terrorist Took Over A Plane Riddle

He was genius.

Officials must have thought he was jumping with a hostage, they would never risk giving him a faulty parachute.
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Christmas Vehicular Homicide Riddle

Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
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Facebook Llama Riddle Challenge

You will Open your Eyes first, then you will Open the door.
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Who Stole The $100,000 Riddle

The mail guy did it because if he checked between page numbers 1 and 2 page numbers 2 and 3 are opposite sides of one page and could not hold the dollar bill.
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Three People At A Bus Stop Riddle

I would give the car keys to my old friend, and let him take the old woman to the hospital. Then I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my dreams.
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Five Rows Of Four Christmas Trees Riddle

Just imagine a 5 pointed star, and then plant one tree at each point, and one tree where the sides intersect.

There are actually several distinct solutions. All of them can be constructed as follows:

Draw a nice long straight line.
Draw a second straight line that intersects the first.
Draw three more straight lines making sure each line intersects all the lines youve already drawn and avoiding any of the previous points of intersection. That is, no three lines should intersect at the same point.

With the first four lines, theres only one topologically distinct configuration, but by varying the position of the fifth line, several different distinct configurations can be created.
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Sleeping In Your Bedroom Riddle

You will open your eyes first, then you will open the door!
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