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I Go To McDonalds Riddle

I forgot my change!
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A Blind Man Has 2 Red Pills And 2 Blue Pills Riddle

Break each of the pills in half, as you do this pop one half in your mouth and lay the other half aside for tomorrow. When he’s done this with all four pills he will have consumed one red pill and one blue pill. And have the same left over.
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3 Gallon Jug And 5 Gallon Jug

Fill the 5-jug up completely. There will be, of course, 5 gallons in the 5-jug. You must fill all the gallons up to the top, otherwise you don't actually know how much you have.

Use the water from the 5-jug to fill up the 3-jug. You're left with 3 gallons in the 3-jug and 2 gallons in the 5-jug.

Pour out the 3-gallon jug. You're left with nothing in the 3-jug and 2 gallons in the 5-jug.

Transfer the water from the 5-jug to the three jug. You're left with 2 gallons in the 3-jug. And nothing in the 5-jug.

Fill up the 5-jug completely. You now have 2 gallons in the 3-jug and 5 in the 5-jug. This means that there is 1 gallon (3.8 L) of space left in the 3-jug.

Use the water from the 5-jug to fill up the 3-jug. Fill up the last gallon of space in the 3-jug with the water from the 5-jug. This leaves you with 3 gallons in the 3-jug, and 4 gallons in the 5-jug.

Fill the 3-jug completely with water. You now have 3 gallons (11.4 L) of water.

Transfer this water into the 5-jug. You now have nothing in the 3-jug, and 3 gallons (11.4 L) in the 5-jug.

Re-fill the 3-jug with water. You now have 3 gallons (11.4 L) in the 3-jug and 3 gallons in the 5-jug.

Fill the 5-jug with water from your 3-jug. You now have 1 gallon (3.8 L) in the 3-jug and 5 gallons (18.9 L) in the 5-jug. This is because, in the last step, you only had 2 gallons (7.6 L) of space left over, so you could only pour 2 gallons.

Pour out the 5-jug and refill it with your 1 gallon. You now have nothing in the 3-jug and 1 gallon in the 5-jug

Fill up the 3-jug. You now have 3 gallons (11.4 L) in the 3-jug and 1 in the 5-jug.

Transfer the 3 gallons (11.4 L) of water into the 5-jug to end up with 4 gallons (15.1 L). Simply pour over your three gallons into the 5-jug, which only had 1 gallon (3.8 L) in it previously. 1+3=4, and a successfully defused bomb.
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We Turn It Off In The Morning Riddle

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What Will You Open First Riddle

Your eyes
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I Can Be Flipped And Broken Riddle

A deal.
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Square Room Cats Riddle

So here in the principal explanation "In a square room there is a feline in each edge of the room" unmistakably the room is square and there is a feline in each edge of room.

As we as a whole realize that square has 4 corners so here there are 4 felines in each side of the room.

The second proclamation of the enigma says "before each feline there are 3 felines."

As we definitely know from the primary articulation that there are 4 felines in the room. So each and every feline in the room will have 3 felines before them.
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Mark And Nancy Riddle

It can be the babysitter or the chef.

Explanation: Both of them are the culprit because if they went for dinner so why the chef is preparing dinner?

And the other is the babysitter because she was ironing the shirt for school tomorrow but it was a Saturday so the next day is Sunday.
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Magic Door Riddle

Anything with a double letter like Sally.
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My Age No Longer Sits On A Calendar Riddle

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I Have A Face But No Eyes Riddle

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The Playful Paradox

Hint: Reflect upon the day and its spirit, and remember that sometimes the answer is right before your eyes.
The answer is 'this riddle itself.' The riddle is designed to mislead and trick you, as it describes the essence of April Fools' Day but ultimately leads you back to the riddle itself as the embodiment of the playful spirit of the day. Happy April Fools' Day!
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