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Riddles and Answers © 2024

An Absentminded Philosopher Riddle

Hint: We can assume that the journey to his friend's and back took exactly the same amount of time.
He Philosopher winds the grandfather clock to a random time right before leaving, 9:00 for example. Although this is not the right time, the clock can now be used to measure elapsed time. As soon as he arrives at his friend's house, the Philosopher looks at the time on his friend's clock. Let's say the time is 7:15. He stays overnight and then, before leaving in the morning, he looks at the clock one more time. Let's say the time is now 10:15 (15 hours later). When the Philosopher arrives home, he looks at his grandfather clock. Let's say his clock reads 12:40. By subtracting the time he set it to when he left (9:00) from the current time (12:40) he knows that he has been gone for 15 hours and 40 minutes. He knows that he spent 15 hours at his friends house, so that means he spent 40 minutes walking. Since he walked at the same speed both ways, it took him 20 minutes to walk from his friend's home back to his place. So the correct time to set the clock to in this example would therefore be 10:15 (the time he left his friend's house) + 20 minutes (the time it took him to walk home) = 10:35.
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Dressed In All Black

It was day time.
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The Countdown Is On

Advent calendar
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Five Haystacks Riddle

One. If he combines all his haystacks, they all become one big stack.
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The Coin Toss Riddle

Hint: Think what would be most likely to happen if you chose HHH, would this be a good decision?
The answer is to let your friend go first. This puzzle is based on an old game/scam called Penny Ante. No matter what you picked, your friend would be able to come up with a combination which would be more likely to beat yours. For example, if you were to choose HHH, then unless HHH was the first combination to come up you would eventually lose since as soon as a Tails came up, the combination THH would inevitably come up before HHH. The basic formula you can use for working out which combination you should choose is as follows. Simply take his combination (eg. HHT) take the last term in his combination, put it at the front (in this case making THH) and your combination will be more likely to come up first. Try it on your friends!
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The Blue And Red Dice Riddle

Each die has 6 faces. When two dice are thrown, there are 36 equally possible results. For chances to be even, there must be 18 ways of getting the same color on top. Let X be the number of red faces on the second die. We have: 18 = 5X + 1(6 - X)

X = 3

The second die must have 3 red faces and 3 blue faces.
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Three People In A Room

Simple strategy: Elect one person to be the guesser, the other two pass. The guesser chooses randomly 'green' or 'blue'. This gives them a 50% chance of winning.

Better strategy: If you see two blue or two green hats, then write down the opposite color, otherwise write down 'pass'.

It works like this ('-' means 'pass'):

Hats: GGG, Guess: BBB, Result: Lose
Hats: GGB, Guess: --B, Result: Win
Hats: GBG, Guess: -B-, Result: Win
Hats: GBB, Guess: G--, Result: Win
Hats: BGG, Guess: B--, Result: Win
Hats: BGB, Guess: -G-, Result: Win
Hats: BBG, Guess: --G, Result: Win
Hats: BBB, Guess: GGG, Result: Lose

Result: 75% chance of winning!
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Four Balls In A Bowl


There are six possible pairings of the two balls withdrawn,

We know the Green + Black combination has not been drawn.

This leaves five possible combinations remaining. Therefore the chances tbowl the Yellow + Yellow pairing has been drawn are 1 in 5.

Many people cannot accept tbowl the solution is not 1 in 3, and of course it would be, if the balls had been drawn out separately and the color of the first ball announced as Yellow before the second had been drawn out. However, as both balls had been drawn together, and then the color of one of the balls announced, then the above solution, 1 in 5, must be the correct one.
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Under The Cup Riddle

Hint: Write down the possibilities. Remember that there are only three cups, so if the rightmost cup wasn't touched...
The rightmost cup.

The rightmost cup has a half chance of holding the coin, and the other cups have a quarter chance.

Pretend that Os represent cups, and Q represents the cup with the coin.

The game starts like this:


Then your friend switches the rightmost cup with another, giving two possibilities, with equal chance:


Your friend then moves the cups again, but doesn't touch the rightmost cup. The only switch possible is with the leftmost cup and the middle cup. This gives two possibilities with equal chance:


Lastly, your friend switches the rightmost cup with another cup. If the first possibility shown above was true, there would be two possibilities, with equal chance:


If the second possibility shown above (In the second switch) was true, there would be two possibilities with equal chance:


This means there are four possibilities altogether, with equal chance:


This means each possibility equals to a quarter chance, and because there are two possibilities with the rightmost cup having the coin, there is a half chance that the coin is there.
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A Cowboys Dog

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Coconut Money Riddle

He's a millionaire already.
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Coconut Toll Booth Riddle

1 10
2 10
3 9
4 9
5 9
6 8
7 8
8 7
9 7
10 7

200-84 = 116
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Dropping Coconuts Riddle

Hint: They break when dropped from the same height and they don't weaken from getting dropped.
You could drop it at floor 1 first (because you start at floor 1). Then you would go to the floors: 14, 27, 39, 50, 60, 69, 77, 84, 90, 95, 99, and 100. Whatever floor your first coconut breaks at, go to the floor above the last floor the coconut survived and drop the second coconut from this floor. Then go up by one floor until the second coconut breaks and that is the lowest floor it will break at.
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Coming Down The Chimney

The fireplace
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2 Coins Riddle

A penny and a nickel, the penny isn't a nickel
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