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Riddles and Answers © 2024

I Cannot Walk Easily As Others Riddle

Hint: It has four letters only. Fill in the blanks: _A_E
LAME! means an animal or a person is unable or incapable to walk normally. Reasons are either cause of injury or an ailment that is affecting the leg/s or foot/feet.
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There Are 5 Sisters In The Room Riddle

The 5th sister is playing chess with Katie as chess needs two players.
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Serial Killer Pill Riddle

The poison was in the glass of water the victim drank. Therefore every time he would survive.
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Prisoners Were Told That They Have A Chance To Be Free Riddle

They should ask any guard "is the freedom door next to the lying guard?" If the guard answers "yes" they should go to the other door. if it was the liar, the other door takes them to freedom. If it was the honest guard, the other door is also what the prisoners want. If the guard answers "no" they should go to the door next to him: if it was the liar, the door next to him takes them to freedom. If it was the honest guard, the door next to him is also the right choice.
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You Are Sitting Inside A Plane Riddle

In A Plane
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Bob Is Dead In The INSIDE Of His Apartment Riddle

Bob died by suffocating. Bob is a fish.
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12 Islanders Teeter Totter Riddle

Six on one side - six on the other = one side is heavier.

Take the heavier six men, divide them into three and three (random).

Three on one side - three on the other = one side will one heavier.

Divide that three men from the heavier side side, have one on one side - one on the other.

Two results can determine which of the last three men weight is a different weight than each other.

With the last group of three men, have two men go head-to-head. The see-saw will either weight different: one weights more than the other man meaning the heavier man is the "12th man" or the see-saw will balance between the two men because they are the same weight. That means the third man standing on the sidelines by default weights more than the last two men weighted. Thus making that man on the sidelines the "12th man" that weights more than other 11.

Heavier wins 6v6; winner gets divided. Heavier wins 3v3; winner gets divided. Heavier wins 1v1 (12th man) or Equal 1v1 = third man weight more, he's the 12th man.

You could find the same results changing the process and picking from the lighter group three times. You’re only trying to find the difference in weight. Not the exact weight (more or less) of that "12th man."

Lightest 6v6; Lightest 3v3; Lightest 1v1 or Equal 1v1 = third man weight less.
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There Was A Plane Crash Riddle

Married couples
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A Woman Is Sitting In Her Hotel Room Riddle

You don't knock on your own hotel door and the man did.
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A Boy Has As Many Sisters As Brothers Riddle

Four brothers and three sisters.

Every boy will have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Every girl will have 4 brothers and 2 (half of the number of brothers) sisters.
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Borrow $50 From Mom And $50 From Dad Riddle

Total Money taken = $100($50+$50)


Bag's Price = $ 97

Remaining Amount = $100 - $97

= $ 3

Returned = $ 1 + $ 1


In pocket = $1

Total money owed = $100- ( Returned amount)

= $98( Bag's amount and reserved amount)

So, it was a calculation mistake.
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The Beginning Of Everything Riddle

The letter "E"
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A Sudden Knock On The Door Riddle

Your eyes
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A Dash At 20 And A Dot At 60

Hint: It's not a clock.
During Morse code
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Brown And Old By Day Riddle

The moon
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