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Riddles and Answers © 2024

I Wish Yesterday Was Tomorrow Riddle

It depends. The grammar is intentionally misleading; "yesterday was" is generally considered incorrect, but is still something people say. The speaker in the riddle may mean "I wish yesterday were tomorrow" or "I wish yesterday had been tomorrow", etc. So:

I wish yesterday (Wednesday) had been what tomorrow (Friday) will be = today is Thursday.

I wish yesterday had been Thursday so tomorrow would be Friday = today is any day!

I wish yesterday (Tuesday) had been [today's] tomorrow (Thursday), so that today (Wednesday) would be Friday (day after desired yesterday).

I wish yesterday (Saturday) would be [today's] tomorrow, then today (Sunday) would be Friday.
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12 Pills Riddle

E = easier in "1", H = heavier in "1". 1: Weight 4:4. If they balance go to "2", if they don't balance, go to "3". 2: Balance 1:1 of the pills you didn't weight yet. Then weight one you didn't weight and one you did weight. If they balanced in the first weighing, and balanced in the second weighing, the last pill is the right one. If they balanced in the first weighing and didn't balance in the second, the one you didn't use before is the right pill. If they didn't balance at all, it's the pill you weighed twice. If they didn't balance in the first weighing, but balanced in the second, it is the first pill. 3: Weight EHH : EHH. If they balance, weight one you already weighed, with an unweighed and go to "4". If they don't balance go to "5". 4: If they balance, the one you didn't weight at all is the right pill. If they don't balance, the one you only weighed once is the right one. 5: Give away every pill that was once easier AND once heavier. You should only have EHH left. Weight H:H. If they balance, E is the right one. If the don't balance, the one which was only heavier the whole time, is the right pill.
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You Come To A Fork In The Road Riddle

Ask one of the gaurds 'Which door would the other guard say leads to paradise?' If you ask the truthful one he will say the lying guard would say the wrong door. If you ask the lying guard he would say the truthful gaurd would pick the wrong door as well (since he is lying). So no matter what you could choose the door opposite of what they say and end up in paradise.
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Riddle Of The Two Barbers

Both barbers must go to the other barber to get their haircuts. Since the first barber had a clean haircut, that means the second barber gives good haircuts and the first barber doesn't.
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Know Me Call Me For This Is How I Am Riddle

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I Shave Several Times A Day Riddle

A barber
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A Man Pushes His Car

Playing Monopoly.
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Serial Killer Pill Riddle

The poison was in the glass of water the victim drank. Therefore every time he would survive.
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A Man And A Woman Went To A Restaurant Riddle

The poison was in the ice. Since the woman had her drinks quickly, the ice didn't have time to melt. The man drank slowly and the poison melted into his drink.
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A Blind Man Has 2 Red Pills And 2 Blue Pills Riddle

Break each of the pills in half, as you do this pop one half in your mouth and lay the other half aside for tomorrow. When he’s done this with all four pills he will have consumed one red pill and one blue pill. And have the same left over.
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A Blind Man Named Grandpa Riddle

When blind man "Grandpa" opened his bandages, the train must be passing through the dark tunnel. The man thought he was still blind and hence commit suicide.
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An Ex Policeman Lost His House Riddle

His JOB!

Given question is a riddle which is interesting one. Hints are given in the riddle.

In the question, it's given that he's ex police man. It means he already lost his job.

"Ex" is used to show that someone is no longer in that situation. Here, Ex policeman mean he's no longer working as police. The prefix "ex-" refers to someone who no longer working, could be retired or fired. Thus, the first thing that he lose his job whether it is retired or fired.

First he lost his job, then he lost his house, car and finally he lost his girlfriend.
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I Love To Dance Riddle

A kite
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Shorter When It Is Lengthened Riddle

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Librarians Bait Riddle

A bookworm
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