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Coronavirus Boats Ridde

The dock!
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About The Coronavirus Riddle

Never mind, I don’t want to spread it around.
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Fox Goose Beans Riddle

The first step must be to take the goose across the river, as any other will result in the goose or the beans being eaten. When the farmer returns to the original side, he has the choice of taking either the fox or the beans across next. If he takes the fox across, he would have to return to get the beans, resulting in the fox eating the goose. If he takes the beans across second, he will need to return to get the fox, resulting in the beans being eaten by the goose. The dilemma is solved by taking the fox (or the beans) over and bringing the goose back. Now he can take the beans (or the fox) over, and finally return to fetch the goose. His actions in the solution are summarized in the following steps: Take the Goose over Return Take the beans over Return with the goose Take the fox over Return Take goose over Thus there are seven crossings, four forward and three back.
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A Cottage Is Robbed Riddle

Windows freeze and and get covered with ice from the inside and the neighbor was breathing on them from the outside.
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I Am A Protector Riddle

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As Soon As You Say Its Name Riddle

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A Prisoner Escaped From A Prison Riddle

The man was more than halfway across a bridge when he spotted the police car, so the quickest way to leave the bridge was to run towards the police car and then turn and run into the woods to hide.
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What Animal Walks On Four Feet In The Morning Riddle

Man (or woman). A baby crawls on all fours, then walks on two legs as an adult and uses two legs and a cane when they’re old.
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You Are Driving A Bus Riddle

Whatever color your eyes are. 'You' are driving a bus.
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3 Gallon Jug And 5 Gallon Jug

Fill the 5-jug up completely. There will be, of course, 5 gallons in the 5-jug. You must fill all the gallons up to the top, otherwise you don't actually know how much you have.

Use the water from the 5-jug to fill up the 3-jug. You're left with 3 gallons in the 3-jug and 2 gallons in the 5-jug.

Pour out the 3-gallon jug. You're left with nothing in the 3-jug and 2 gallons in the 5-jug.

Transfer the water from the 5-jug to the three jug. You're left with 2 gallons in the 3-jug. And nothing in the 5-jug.

Fill up the 5-jug completely. You now have 2 gallons in the 3-jug and 5 in the 5-jug. This means that there is 1 gallon (3.8 L) of space left in the 3-jug.

Use the water from the 5-jug to fill up the 3-jug. Fill up the last gallon of space in the 3-jug with the water from the 5-jug. This leaves you with 3 gallons in the 3-jug, and 4 gallons in the 5-jug.

Fill the 3-jug completely with water. You now have 3 gallons (11.4 L) of water.

Transfer this water into the 5-jug. You now have nothing in the 3-jug, and 3 gallons (11.4 L) in the 5-jug.

Re-fill the 3-jug with water. You now have 3 gallons (11.4 L) in the 3-jug and 3 gallons in the 5-jug.

Fill the 5-jug with water from your 3-jug. You now have 1 gallon (3.8 L) in the 3-jug and 5 gallons (18.9 L) in the 5-jug. This is because, in the last step, you only had 2 gallons (7.6 L) of space left over, so you could only pour 2 gallons.

Pour out the 5-jug and refill it with your 1 gallon. You now have nothing in the 3-jug and 1 gallon in the 5-jug

Fill up the 3-jug. You now have 3 gallons (11.4 L) in the 3-jug and 1 in the 5-jug.

Transfer the 3 gallons (11.4 L) of water into the 5-jug to end up with 4 gallons (15.1 L). Simply pour over your three gallons into the 5-jug, which only had 1 gallon (3.8 L) in it previously. 1+3=4, and a successfully defused bomb.
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I Go To McDonalds Riddle

I forgot my change!
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A Mother Was Killed In A Circular House Riddle

The Maid; As she said she was dusting the corners and in a round house, there are no corners...
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A Single Candle On A Cake

1 of your 7 year cycles! You go through 7 cycles every year. The first cycle starts on your birthday, and each of the 7 cycles lasts 52 days. (7x52=364).

You only have to find your personal cycle numbers once, because it's always the same, year after year.
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7B91011 Riddle

Jason McCubbins, Ray's business partner.

The calendar was the clue to solving this murder. The police realized that since Mr. Whitcombe was wearing his watch on his right arm, he must have been left-handed. Realizing that the number on the calendar was written in a hurry and with his opposite hand, police matched the written number with the months of the year. So the B was an 8, thereby giving us 7-8-9-10-11: July, August, September, October, November. Use the first letter of each month and it spells J-A-S-O-N.
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Matthew Has 20 Dollars Riddle

A red bull
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