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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Find That Tennis Ball

Put three of the balls on each side. If they are even the ball that wasn't weighed is the light one. If they aren't even the side that is lighter has the light ball. Of these three balls, one should be put on each side. If the sides are even than the other ball is the light one. If they aren't even the one that is lighter is the ball you're looking for.
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Reading In The Dark

She was blind and reading Braille.
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Fear Of The Ocean

Get out and walk, the boat is one-mile inland!
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Americans In A Pub Riddle

They were husband and wife.
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Letters In A Lightning Storm

The cabin was on a ship!
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Made Of Grass, Sticks And Mud Riddle

Hint: Birds live in this.
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One Big Family Riddle

The campfire circle includes a woman and her brother. The woman's daughter and the man's son are also present.
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Pills A And B Riddle

Cut each of the three pills in half and put each half in two piles. Now, each of the two piles will contain half of pill A and two halves of pill B.

Take one pill A and cut into half and put the two halves in the two piles. Now, each pile will have two halves of pill A and two halves of pill B which means one pill A and one pill B. You can take one pile today and one pile the next day.
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Bad Kids Riddle

A corner
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3 Envelops Riddle

Yes, you should switch the envelope. In the beginning when you picked up the envelope, you had a 1/3 probability of finding an offer letter in the envelope. There was 2/3 chance that the letter was there in the two envelopes on the table.

If you keep your selected envelope, you still have a 1/3 chance of finding an offer letter in that. However, since the interviewer has removed one empty envelope from the table, if you switch, you have a probability of 2/3 that the offer letter is inside that.
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A Boy At The Carnival

A young boy was at the carnival. He was walking past a kiosk where an old man was sitting.

"Do you want to play a game?" the old man said to him.The young boy was intrigued. "What kind of game?" he asked.

"It's a very simple game." said the old man. "I will tell you the rules. I have ten large metal boxes. Inside one of the boxes is the prize money. One thousand dollars."

"A thousand bucks, huh?" asked the boy. "What's the catch?"

"The boxes are sturdy and strong," said the old man. "Much too strong to be opened with your bare hands. They are also airtight and cannot be damaged by a hammer, an axe or even a chainsaw."

"So they're impossible to open?" said the boy.

"Not impossible." said the man. "I have a blowtorch which can be used to open the boxes."

"Is there a time limit?" asked the boy.

"You can take as much time as you want." said the old man. "When you find the prize money, it's all yours. So, do you want to play the game?"

"Well, I don't how I could possibly lose," said the boy. "OK. I'll play your game."

The old man smiled. "I'll make it very easy for you", he said. "There are ten metal boxes, but if you give me five dollars, I will start you right next to the prize money."

The boy happily took out his wallet and handed a crisp five dollar note to the old man. There was a mischievous grin on the old man's face.The game started.The prize money was right in front of the boy. He could see it. He could touch it.Even though he won the game, the boy was never able to spend the money. He died shortly after he won the game.

How did the boy die?
The man put the inside of the box since he said for five dollars, he'd put the boy next to the money. Since the box was airtight, he suffocated
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One Snowy Night Riddle

He should question Mark Crimson.

? = question MARK, so the note on the door reads Question Mark Crimson. He broke your window.
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Swinging At The Park Riddle

The speed at which a pendulum swings is called the period and given by the equation:

2 x pi x square root of (length of rope from fulcrum to Center of Mass divided by gravity)

Since gravity is constant, the only thing that effects the period is the length of rope. In the above scenario, you assume the man is taller then the child. Therefore his center of mass is higher. This makes the distance between the fulcrum to the center of mass shorter then for the child. The man swings faster.
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Ice Cube In The Freezer Riddle

The freezer was off and the ice cube melted.
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Counterfeit Coins Riddle

First weigh three coins against three others. If the weights are equal, weigh the remaining two against each other. The heavier one is the counterfeit. If one of the groups of three is heavier, weigh two of those coins against each other. If one is heavier, its the counterfeit. If theyre equal weight, the third coin is the counterfeit.
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