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A Game Of Dodge Ball Riddle

Miss the first time on purpose.

If you try to hit John and do. Then Tom goes next and he will hit you and you will lose for sure. If you aim at Tom and hit him then John will go for you. If you miss on your first turn John will go for Tom for sure because he is a stronger player. If he hits him then it's just you and John, but you are going first. If he misses him then Tom will hit John and it will be just you and Tom, but again in this case you are going first.
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The Forgetful Camping Trip

You bring your sleeping bag home when you realize you forgot your flashlight. You leave your sleeping bag at home. You realize you did not bring your tent, go home with you flashlight. Instead of picking up your tent you see your sleeping bag and take that instead leaving your tent and flashlight at home. You go back when you get to camp because you now need your flashlight and tent. You bring your sleeping bag. And when you get your tent and flashlight you leave your sleeping bag. Every time you bring something to the camp site you leave what you had there at home.
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Cakes For Grandma Riddle

2: At each bridge you are required to give half of your cakes, and you receive one back. Which leaves you with 2 cakes after every bridge.
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In A Dark Room Riddle

The Match
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3 Gods Riddle

Question 1: (To any of the three gods) If I were to ask you "Is that the random god," would your answer be "ja?" (This questions, no matter the answer, will enable you to tell which god is not random i.e. the god who is either False or True)

Question 2: (To either the True or False god) If I asked you "are you false," would your answer be "ja?"

Question 3: (To the same god you asked the second question) If I asked you "whether the first god I spoke to is random," would your answer be "ja?"
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Jack's World Riddle

Everything (each word) in Jack's World must contain double letters.
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Losing A New York Bet

This problem can be best solved using the pigeonhole principle.

The argument will go like this:
Assume that all the non-bald people in NYC have different number of hairs on their head. The population is about 9 million and let us assume that there are 8 million among them who are not bald.

Now, those 8 million people need to have different number of hairs. On an average, people have just 100, 000 hairs on their head. If we keep on assuming that there is someone with just one hair, someone with two, someone with three and so on, there will be 7, 900, 00 other people left who will have more than 100, 000 hairs on their head and need different number of hairs.

Now, as per this assumption, if we keep increasing one hair for each person, to make everybody hair different in numbers, we will come across someone with 8, 000, 000 hairs. But that is practically impossible (even 1, 000, 000 is impossible). Thus there must be two people who are having same number of hairs.
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10 Boxes Riddle

Let us simplify boxes by naming them from 1 to 10.
Now the trick here is to pick different number of balls from different boxes. So to simplify things, we will pick balls corresponding to box number.

Thus, pick 1 ball from Box 1, 2 balls from box 2, 3 balls from box 3 and so on. You will have 55 balls altogether. Now, put them all in the balance.

If all balls were weighing accurate 10 grams, the total weight of the 55 balls would have been 550 grams. But one of the box must have had the defective balls.

Suppose if the defective balls were in box number 2, then the total weight will be 2 grams less than 550. If the defective balls were in box 8, the total weight will be less than 8 grams from 550. In this way, you will be able to identify which box has the defective balls.
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A Pack Of 40 Cards

Create a new deck of the exactly same number of cards as are face up cards in the original deck.Take 15 number of cards in a new deck and change their face direction. For example- You create a new deck of 15 cards and out of 15, 5 faces up in a new deck. So remaining 10 faces up are in the old deck. But hey! while creating the new deck you reversed the face direction of new cards. So actually the 5 cards which were facing up are actually face down in the new deck while 10 faces up.
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Boxes Of Balls Riddle

Just One!

Because we know all labels are wrong.
So the BW box must be either BB or WW. Selecting one ball from BW will let you know which.
And the other two boxes can then be worked out logically.
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The English Channel Riddle

Turn the TV on and switch it to a channel originating in England.
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How Do You Survive Riddle

Eat half of each pill.
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Pick A Room Riddle

You should definitely go through the electric chair. Since the power is out, when you sit in the electric chair it will have no effect on you.
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Marrying The Princess Riddle

Hint: You know that your competitors are very intelligent and want nothing more than to marry the princess. You also know that the king is a man of his word, and he has said that the test is a fair test of intelligence and bravery.
Answer: White.

The king would not select two white hats and one black hat. This would mean two princes would see one black hat and one white hat. You would be at a disadvantage if you were the only prince wearing a black hat.

If you were wearing the black hat, it would not take long for one of the other princes to deduce he was wearing a white hat.

If an intelligent prince saw a white hat and a black hat, he would eventually realize that the king would never select two black hats and one white hat. Any prince seeing two black hats would instantly know he was wearing a white hat. Therefore if a prince can see one black hat, he can work out he is wearing white.

Therefore the only fair test is for all three princes to be wearing white hats. After waiting some time just to be sure, you can safely assert you are wearing a white hat.
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A Man In The Shadows Riddle

Kill me
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