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Riddles and Answers © 2024

3 Envelops Riddle

Yes, you should switch the envelope. In the beginning when you picked up the envelope, you had a 1/3 probability of finding an offer letter in the envelope. There was 2/3 chance that the letter was there in the two envelopes on the table.

If you keep your selected envelope, you still have a 1/3 chance of finding an offer letter in that. However, since the interviewer has removed one empty envelope from the table, if you switch, you have a probability of 2/3 that the offer letter is inside that.
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A Boy At The Carnival

A young boy was at the carnival. He was walking past a kiosk where an old man was sitting.

"Do you want to play a game?" the old man said to him.The young boy was intrigued. "What kind of game?" he asked.

"It's a very simple game." said the old man. "I will tell you the rules. I have ten large metal boxes. Inside one of the boxes is the prize money. One thousand dollars."

"A thousand bucks, huh?" asked the boy. "What's the catch?"

"The boxes are sturdy and strong," said the old man. "Much too strong to be opened with your bare hands. They are also airtight and cannot be damaged by a hammer, an axe or even a chainsaw."

"So they're impossible to open?" said the boy.

"Not impossible." said the man. "I have a blowtorch which can be used to open the boxes."

"Is there a time limit?" asked the boy.

"You can take as much time as you want." said the old man. "When you find the prize money, it's all yours. So, do you want to play the game?"

"Well, I don't how I could possibly lose," said the boy. "OK. I'll play your game."

The old man smiled. "I'll make it very easy for you", he said. "There are ten metal boxes, but if you give me five dollars, I will start you right next to the prize money."

The boy happily took out his wallet and handed a crisp five dollar note to the old man. There was a mischievous grin on the old man's face.The game started.The prize money was right in front of the boy. He could see it. He could touch it.Even though he won the game, the boy was never able to spend the money. He died shortly after he won the game.

How did the boy die?
The man put the inside of the box since he said for five dollars, he'd put the boy next to the money. Since the box was airtight, he suffocated
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The Multistory Building Suicide Riddle

At every floor, the detective had to open the window himself. If the man had committed suicide, then at least one of the windows must have been open. A person who is committing suicide wont close the window behind him. Thus he knows that someone pushed him off the edge and closed the window afterwards.
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Haunted Halloween House Riddle

You must choose the door that opens with electric chairs. This is because there is no electricity in the house. Thus, you will just have to sit on the chairs for five minutes and then you will be free to go.
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Fastest Horse Riddle

First you divide the 25 horses into 5 groups of 5. You conduct the 5 races and take all of the fastest horses in those races and have a race with them, giving you the fastest horse. Then you take the remaining 24 horses (excluding the fastest) and remove the 4th and 5th horses in the first set of 5 races (since they definitely have 3 horses faster than them), leaving you with 14 horses. Next you can remove all of the horses that were beat in the preliminary race by the horses that got 4th and 5th in the championship race, leaving you with 8 horses. Finally, you can remove the horses that remain that lost to the 3rd place horse in the final race in the preliminary race and the horse that got 3rd in the preliminary to the horse that got 2nd in the championship race, leaving you with 5 horses.

You can then run a final race where the 1st and 2nd place horses are the 2nd and 3rd fastest. Then you know the 3 fastest horses.
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A Hundred Eyes

A peacock.
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In The Bathroom

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I Supply The Facts

Hint: I am educational.
A book.
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More Value Than Gold

A friend.
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Monday And Sunday

In a dictionary
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The Red Hat

Hint: For a moment or two, nobody moved. Nobody knew for certain what color his hat was, and thats what told the wisest guy that all of the hats were red.
Step 1:
Wiseguy #1 knows he can see two red hats.

Step 2:
Wiseguy #1 thinks, "Hey, if I were wearing a white hat, Wiseguy #2 would see one red hat and one white."

Step 3:
Wiseguy #1 then thinks, "If I were wearing a white hat, and Wiseguy #2 saw one red hat and one white (and if he were wearing a white hat himself), then Wiseguy #3 would have seen two white hats. So, Wiseguy #3 wouldnt have raised his hand to the first question.

Wiseguy #1 thinks, "If that were true, Wiseguy #2 would be sure that he had a red hat. But since Wiseguy #2 was actually unsure about his hat color, it can only mean one thing, my hat is red."
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Old Man Ankit

Newspaper delivery man was the murderer because of absence of Wednesday and Thursday missing newspaper.

This indicates he already know that there is no one to read it.
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Eight Balls

Put three balls on each side of the scale. If the arms are equal, you know the heavy ball is one of the two remaining. If the arms are unequal, take the three balls on the heavier side, pick two and weigh them against each other.
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I Have Thousands Of Letters

A Post Ofiice.
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Colorful House Riddle

The White House is in Washington, D.C., United States.
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