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Gym Class Riddle

Six. Explanation: 1. Blue Red
2. Blue Yellow
3. Blue Orange
4. Red Yellow
5. Red Orange
6. Yellow Orange
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A Rickety Bridge Riddle

17 mins.

The initial solution most people will think of is to use the fastest person as an usher to guide everyone across. How long would that take? 10 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 2 = 21 mins. Is that it? No. That would make this question too simple even as a warm up question.

Let's brainstorm a little further. To reduce the amount of time, we should find a way for 10 and 7 to go together. If they cross together, then we need one of them to come back to get the others. That would not be ideal. How do we get around that? Maybe we can have 1 waiting on the other side to bring the torch back. Ahaa, we are getting closer. The fastest way to get 1 across and be back is to use 2 to usher 1 across. So let's put all this together.

1 and 2 go cross
2 comes back
7 and 10 go across
1 comes back
1 and 2 go across (done)

Total time = 2 + 2 + 10 + 1 + 2 = 17 mins
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You'll See Me Riddle

The Number Twelve (12).

Noon and midnight are both 12 oclock and the Twelve Days of Christmas is a popular Christmas carol.

There are twelve face cards in a standard 52-card deck and twelve is the largest number with one syllable.

There are twelve steps in Alcoholics Anonymous, a troy pound is 12 ounces, there were 12 tribes of Israel and a popular movie was called, Twelve Angry Men (12 members of the jury). There are twelve function keys on your keyboard. F1 often shows a help screen and F5 reloads pages in your browser.

Many recipes measure items by the dozen, adding one more for a bakers dozen. There are twelve months in a year.
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A Game Of Dodge Ball Riddle

Miss the first time on purpose.

If you try to hit John and do. Then Tom goes next and he will hit you and you will lose for sure. If you aim at Tom and hit him then John will go for you. If you miss on your first turn John will go for Tom for sure because he is a stronger player. If he hits him then it's just you and John, but you are going first. If he misses him then Tom will hit John and it will be just you and Tom, but again in this case you are going first.
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The Sunday Morning Murder Riddle

The father because it was a Sunday and no one gets mail on Sunday!
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The Homicide Team Riddle

If the man killed himself, he would not have been able to rewind the cassette. Thus it is clear someone else killed him.
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Written In Blood Riddle

Luke, because theres no power (its during a blackout).
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The Card Trick Riddle

The answer is very simple. All she had to do is take the fifteen cards from the top and reverse them. This would make another pile out of that and there will be two piles - one of 15 cards and one of 37 cards. Also both of them will have the same number of inverted cards.

Just think about it and if the mathematical explanation will help you understand better, here it is.

Assume that there were p inverted cards initially in the top 15 cards. Then the remaining 37 cards will hold 15-p inverted cards.
Now when she reverses the 15 cards on the top, the number of inverted cards will become 15-p and thus the number of inverted cards in both of the piles will become same.
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Crossing The Bridge Riddle

Let us denote the four people with A, B, C and D.
A takes 1 minute to cross, B takes 2, C takes 5 and D takes 10.

A and B cross first spending 2 minutes.
A comes back with torch taking 1 minute.
C and D cross taking 10 minutes.
B comes back with torch taking 2 minutes.
Finally, A and B cross the bridge taking 2 minutes.

2 + 1 + 10 + 2 + 2 = 17 minutes

Thus, this is the way they all managed to cross that bridge that night.
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Hobbit Pinball Riddle

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How Many Quarters Riddle

None... it only takes Tolkiens!
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Running Through Fields And Woods Riddle

A shoe.
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Baseball With Robin Riddle

He forgot his bat, man.
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Unusual Gatsby Riddle

Letter "E" is the most commonly used letter in English language, yet in the whole passage, there is no "E" used.
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The One Story House Riddle

How he can walk up stairs in a one story house is that he lived in a lighthouse and when he turned the only light off in the lighthouse all the boats crashed on the shore and he saw a boat coming toward him
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