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Late For Dinner

A new set of clothes!
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A Single Mother Had A Baby Riddle

A father
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A Cottage Is Robbed Riddle

Windows freeze and and get covered with ice from the inside and the neighbor was breathing on them from the outside.
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A Blind Man Named Grandpa Riddle

When blind man "Grandpa" opened his bandages, the train must be passing through the dark tunnel. The man thought he was still blind and hence commit suicide.
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You Are Sitting Inside A Plane Riddle

In A Plane
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A Man Pushes His Car

Playing Monopoly.
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Fox Goose Beans Riddle

The first step must be to take the goose across the river, as any other will result in the goose or the beans being eaten. When the farmer returns to the original side, he has the choice of taking either the fox or the beans across next. If he takes the fox across, he would have to return to get the beans, resulting in the fox eating the goose. If he takes the beans across second, he will need to return to get the fox, resulting in the beans being eaten by the goose. The dilemma is solved by taking the fox (or the beans) over and bringing the goose back. Now he can take the beans (or the fox) over, and finally return to fetch the goose. His actions in the solution are summarized in the following steps: Take the Goose over Return Take the beans over Return with the goose Take the fox over Return Take goose over Thus there are seven crossings, four forward and three back.
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Alex And The New Neighbor Riddle

The new neighbors name is 'Who.' ...When the mom SUPPOSEDLY asked "Who is the new neighbor?", she wasn't asking; she was making a statement. "Who is [the name of] the new neighbor."
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What Will You Open First Riddle

Your eyes
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Square Room Cats Riddle

So here in the principal explanation "In a square room there is a feline in each edge of the room" unmistakably the room is square and there is a feline in each edge of room.

As we as a whole realize that square has 4 corners so here there are 4 felines in each side of the room.

The second proclamation of the enigma says "before each feline there are 3 felines."

As we definitely know from the primary articulation that there are 4 felines in the room. So each and every feline in the room will have 3 felines before them.
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4 Shots 3 Beers Riddle

Like the three shots and four beers and four shots and three beers and the bathroom thing? That stuff doesn't contribute to the car theory, either.

Really the only extra piece of information that does is the fact that he drove home, but I'd say the thing about jumping out the window as his method of suicide specifically points to the lighthouse theory. So it at least evens out.
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Angel And Devil Door Riddle

Ask either one of them which door "THE OTHER ONE" would tell you was heaven... and that's the hell door.
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I Soar Without Wings Riddle

I'm your imagination.
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4 Prisoner Hat Riddle

Answer is Man number 2.

Lets start by eliminating men. Man number 4 is at the other end of opaque wall facing other side. There is no way he can see any men or the color of their hat. So he is eliminated. Now man no 3 also cannot see anyone else - he cannot look back and he cannot see beyond wall. So he is eliminated too. Now man number 1 knows the color of man 2 and 3. Now lets say they (2 and 3) were wearing same color hat then man no 1 would know the color of his hat since there are 2 white and 2 black hat. But he keeps mum which means man 2 and 3 are wearing different hat. S0 man number 2 waits for sometime if he does not hear man 1 calling out that means man 2 and 3 are wearing different color hats. Since man 2 knows the color of hat wore by man 3 he know the color of his hat and calls it out.
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