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The Perfect Pill Riddle

You must put labels on the tablets as A and B before using. In that case, if you pour tablets together, you will get 3A, 2A 1B, 1A 2B or 3B. If they are from the same bottles you can take one from another bottle and save the remaining two for another day. If you get two from same and one from other, you can draw one from another bottle and you will have two pairs of which you can eat one and save the other.
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Letters Hold Water Riddle

The letter C. (Sea)
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Little Johnny's Bet Riddle

He just doesn't take the bet. This gives him a 100 percent chance of getting the money home. If he takes the bet with 1 die he has a 50 percent chance of winning. If he takes the bet with 2 dice he has about a 56 percent chance of winning. If he takes the bet with 3 dice he has about a 42 percent chance of winning.
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Cant Be Touched Riddle

I am a dream.
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Condemned To Death Riddle

Hint: When's the last time you ate?
The 3rd one because the lions should have died after not eating for 3 years.
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Measuring A Mule Riddle

The mules is moving in circular path and hence outside legs travels more distance than inner legs.
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The Fishing Trawler Riddle

The trawler rises with the waves so no step will go under water.
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A Boy At The Carnival

The man did exactly as he said he would and wrote "your exact weight" on the paper.
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Cakes For Grandma Riddle

2: At each bridge you are required to give half of your cakes, and you receive one back. Which leaves you with 2 cakes after every bridge.
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3 Gods Riddle

Question 1: (To any of the three gods) If I were to ask you "Is that the random god," would your answer be "ja?" (This questions, no matter the answer, will enable you to tell which god is not random i.e. the god who is either False or True)

Question 2: (To either the True or False god) If I asked you "are you false," would your answer be "ja?"

Question 3: (To the same god you asked the second question) If I asked you "whether the first god I spoke to is random," would your answer be "ja?"
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Brother In Law Riddle

Your dad!
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Between Land, Sea The The Sky

The Horizon
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Losing A New York Bet

This problem can be best solved using the pigeonhole principle.

The argument will go like this:
Assume that all the non-bald people in NYC have different number of hairs on their head. The population is about 9 million and let us assume that there are 8 million among them who are not bald.

Now, those 8 million people need to have different number of hairs. On an average, people have just 100, 000 hairs on their head. If we keep on assuming that there is someone with just one hair, someone with two, someone with three and so on, there will be 7, 900, 00 other people left who will have more than 100, 000 hairs on their head and need different number of hairs.

Now, as per this assumption, if we keep increasing one hair for each person, to make everybody hair different in numbers, we will come across someone with 8, 000, 000 hairs. But that is practically impossible (even 1, 000, 000 is impossible). Thus there must be two people who are having same number of hairs.
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Good And Great Lawyers Riddle

A good lawyer knows the law. A great lawyer knows the judge.
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A Lawyer And God Riddle

God doesn't think he's a lawyer
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