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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Eyes Underground Riddle

A potato.
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A Crime On Freemont Street

How can the murderer shoot him in the stomach if he came up behind the man?
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Cars, Knives And Wives Riddle

He never asked the cop where the scene of the crime was, so they knew that he had murdered his wife.
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Albatross Boat Riddle

The two men were stranded out in the ocean with a third man when they were beginning to stave. When an albatross landed on their life boat and died they finally had food but it was not enough to feed all three of them. They drew straws and the looser was killed and eaten. They mixed up the human meat and the albatross meat so neither person would know what they were eating. After being rescued, the friends went to eat real Albatross and the man who killed himself realized that he was the one that ate his friend.
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Two Single Women

One of the woman was the bride, the other a bridesmaid.
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Egg In A Glass Riddle

Hint: Without doing anything to the egg, the egg can't fit into the bottle
First, soak the egg in the vinegar which softens the shell without compromising the egg. Next, take some of the writing paper and shred it into pieces. Take the shredded pieces and put them into the glass bottle. Take a match and light a fire inside the bottle with the shredded paper. After, take the vinegar-soaked egg and put it on the top of the bottle so no oxygen can get into the bottle. The fire can't live without any oxygen so it will try to suck oxygen from the entrance which the egg is blocking. When the fire does this, the fire becomes like a vacuum. So, basically, the fire sucks the egg into the bottle to try to get the oxygen. After a short while, the shell will reharden and that's how the egg got into the bottle.
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Outrunning A Train Riddle

The train is moving at 40 miles per hour. Imagine that a friend is walking with you. When the train whistle blows, you head away from the train, he heads toward it. When he reaches safety, you will be 6/8 (or 3/4)of the way across the bridge, and the train will have just reached the bridge. For the train to cross 4/4 of the bridge in the time you cross the remaining 1/4, the train must be moving four times your speed.
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The Scene Of The Crime Riddle

The police did not tell him the location of the crime scene but he arrived at the correct place.
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Almost Hit By A Car Riddle

He was returning home in the middle of the day, so anyone could have seen him.
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Strawberry Jam Stain Riddle

The maid was lying. There are no corners in a circular house.
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Zapping Your Meal Riddle

A microwave
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How Do You Survive Riddle

Eat half of each pill.
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Wall Clock Riddle

Before I left, I wound the wall clock. When I returned, the change in time it showed equaled the time it took to go to my friend's and return, plus the time I spent there. But I knew the latter, because I looked at my friend's watch both when I arrived and when I left. Subtracting the time of the visit from the time I was absent from my house, and dividing by 2, I obtained the time it took me to return home. I added this time to the time my friend's watch showed when I left, and set this sum on my wall clock.
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The Land Of Oz Riddle

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Rubbing Your Feet Riddle

I'm a Door-Mat
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