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Riddles and Answers © 2024

A Place Of Prayer

Hint: Jonah 1 and 2
Jonah's big fish
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Wolf, Goat And Cabbage Riddle

First take the goat to the other side and row back.
Then take the wolf to the other side, and take the goat in the boat with you when you return.
You get the goat ashore. Then you put the cabbage in the boat and take it to the other side, where you leave it with the wolf and then row back.
Finally you take the goat into the boat and take it across.
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Denver To Australia Riddle

Your the pilot of the plane! Re-read the first sentence...
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The 100 Seat Airplane

Hint: You don't need to use complex math to solve this riddle. Consider these two questions: What happens if somebody sits in your seat? What happens if somebody sits in Steve's assigned seat?
The correct answer is 1/2.

The chase that the first person in line takes your seat is equal to the chance that he takes his own seat. If he takes his own seat initially then you have a 100% chance of sitting in your seat, if he takes your seat you have a 0 percent chance. Now after the first person has picked a seat, the second person will enter the plan and, if the first person has sat in his seat, he will pick randomly, and again, the chance that he picks your seat is equal to the chance he picks someone your seat. The motion will continue until someone sits in the first persons seat, at this point the remaining people standing in line which each be able to sit in their own seats. Well how does that probability look in equation form? (2/100) * 50% + (98/100) * ( (2/98) * 50% + (96/98) * ( (2/96) * (50%) +... (2/2) * (50%) ) ) This expansion reduces to 1/2.
An easy way to see this is trying the problem with a 3 or 4 person scenario (pretend its a car). Both scenarios have probabilities of 1/2.
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Discharge Of The Rifle

Biggs, who saw the smoke, would be first; Carpenter, who saw the bullet strike the water, would be second; and Anderson, who heard the report, would be last of all.
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The Long Island Iced Tea

TTwo guys walk into a bar. They both order the special, Long Island Iced Tea, which is poured from the same pitcher. One of them drinks his drink slowly and one of them drinks it fast. They walk outside and suddenly the guy who drank his Long Island Tea slowly drops to the ground and dies. They order an autospy and find that he died from poison. How could this be if the other guy drank the same tea and didnt even get sick?
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Crossing The River Safely Riddle

Take the fox over, return with nothing. Go over with one chicken, return with the fox. Go over with the second chicken, return with nothing. Finally, take the fox over.
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Soldiers On The River

First the boys cross the river. One stays ashore while the other brings the boat to the soldiers. A soldier takes the boat back across and the boy that stayed before brings the boat back and picks up the other boy. The boat takes the two boys back and one remains while the other boy returns the boat to the soldiers. This is repeated until all of the soldiers are on the opposite side of the river.
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The Land Surrounded By Water

The beach.
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Two Fathers And Two Sons

There are three men: A grandfather, a father (the grandfathers son) and the fathers son.
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Magic Under Water Riddle

The kid filled a glass of water and held it over his head for 10 minutes.
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The Plane Crash

The two were married.
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Down The Well Riddle

The mother would remove the bodies from the well and hide them. When she was killed and thrown down the well, nobody removed and hid her.
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Hierarchy Is No More Riddle

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The River Crossing

The guard and the prisoner cross the river
The guard comes back
The guard and the girl cross the river.
The guard and the prisoner comes back.
The mother and the girl cross the river.
Mother comes back
The mother and the father cross the river
Father comes back
The guard and the prisoner cross the river
Mother comes back
The father and the mother cross the river
Father comes back
The father and the boy cross the river
The guard and the prisoner comes back
The guard and the boy cross the river
The guard comes back
The guard and the prisoner cross the river.
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