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Riddles and Answers © 2024

A Man Was Doing His Job Riddle

He was an astronaut on a space walk, doing repairs.
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A Man Steals 1000 From A Shop Riddle

We can easily solve this mathematical problem by using the following mathematical process.

Initial loss amount = Rs. 1000

Now, we have to calculate the recovered amount,

As the man spends Rs. 700 in the shop, the shop owner will surely provide the man goods/services of Rs. 700. So, nothing will be recovered in this case.

Now, the man gave Rs. 1000 against the goods/services of Rs. 700 and got Rs. 300 change, so there will be no recovering of money for the shopkeeper.

Final loss = Initial loss - Recovered amount = 1000-0 = Rs. 1000
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A Man Wants To Enter A Club Riddle

Three. He should have said how many letters were in the number he said.
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A Man Walks 1 Mile South Riddle

He started his journey at the north pole he would end at where he started. At the north pole here is no east or west only south. Once he walks a mile south he would have east and west as well as north and south. Granted north would only consist of 1 mile. Walking a mile north would put him back at the north pole which is a single point.
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A Man Walked In His House Riddle

The police officer was a man while the doctor and lawyer were women
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Born In B.C. Riddle

45 years old.

There is no year 0 so you can add 23 to 23 but you must subtract one to take year 0 out of consideration: 23 + 23 - 1 = 45 years old. In some cultures people are born 1 years old, in this case they would be 46 years old when they die.
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A Boy At The Carnival

A young boy was at the carnival. He was walking past a kiosk where an old man was sitting.

"Do you want to play a game?" the old man said to him.The young boy was intrigued. "What kind of game?" he asked.

"It's a very simple game." said the old man. "I will tell you the rules. I have ten large metal boxes. Inside one of the boxes is the prize money. One thousand dollars."

"A thousand bucks, huh?" asked the boy. "What's the catch?"

"The boxes are sturdy and strong," said the old man. "Much too strong to be opened with your bare hands. They are also airtight and cannot be damaged by a hammer, an axe or even a chainsaw."

"So they're impossible to open?" said the boy.

"Not impossible." said the man. "I have a blowtorch which can be used to open the boxes."

"Is there a time limit?" asked the boy.

"You can take as much time as you want." said the old man. "When you find the prize money, it's all yours. So, do you want to play the game?"

"Well, I don't how I could possibly lose," said the boy. "OK. I'll play your game."

The old man smiled. "I'll make it very easy for you", he said. "There are ten metal boxes, but if you give me five dollars, I will start you right next to the prize money."

The boy happily took out his wallet and handed a crisp five dollar note to the old man. There was a mischievous grin on the old man's face.The game started.The prize money was right in front of the boy. He could see it. He could touch it.Even though he won the game, the boy was never able to spend the money. He died shortly after he won the game.

How did the boy die?
The man put the inside of the box since he said for five dollars, he'd put the boy next to the money. Since the box was airtight, he suffocated
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The Mysterious Nurse Riddle

The mother!
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One Wise Son

The wise son bought a candle and a box of matches. After lighting the candle, the light filled the entire room.
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Kidnapping The Queens Son

The Queen lives in a beautiful castle with her only son and a sheep-dog named Sir FooFoo. One day the Queen decides to go out for a spot of tea with some friends. She leaves her eight-year-old son in the care of her trusted servants. The 18 servants are: Harold the health instructor, Griffith the gardener, Tiffany the private tutor, Philip the photographer, Magdalina the maid, Boris the Butler, Geraldo the groundskeeper, Bernadette the barber, Sandy the sweeper, Anastasia the accountant, Constantine the carpenter, Joel the jester, Lucy the launderer, Sadie the seamstress, McKenzie the musical instructor, Lawrence the lawyer, Dorothy the dentist, Devon the doctor, and Surlamina the Secretary of State. When the Queen came home she discovered her son was missing and that he was kidnapped. The Queen came to a conclusion that it must've been one of her servants who kidnapped her son because he was too young to leave on his own and Sir FooFoo was harmless. The Queen interviewed all of her servants to see which one was responsible for the kidnapping. The alibis are as follows: Harold was lifting weights, Griffith was planting roses, Tiffany was checking homework, Philip was taking pictures of the botanical garden, Magdalina was making the beds, Boris was cleaning the banisters, Geraldo was supervising Griffith , Bernadette was trimming Sir FooFoo's hair, Sandy was sweeping in the corners, Anastasia was managing the Queen's affairs, Constantine was building a birdhouse, Joel was coming up with the jokes, Lucy was doing the laundry, Sadie was designing a dress for the Queen, McKenzie was playing the flute, Lawrence was suing the bank, Dorothy was preparing to extract the Queen's tooth when the Queen came home, Devon was examining an x-ray of the Queen's arm, and Surlamina was being a Secretary of State.

Who is the kidnapper?
Surlamina is responsible for the kidnapping because there is no Secretary of State in a monarchy. It is believed that Surlamina kidnapped the Queen's son because she was not given a real job.
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Playing With A Book Riddle

10. Remember pages of a book are double-sided.

7+8, 99+100, 101+102, 221+222, 223+224s.
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Born In 1995 Riddle

He was born in Hospital room '1995' but he died in the year of 1953.
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A Woman Gave Birth To Two Sons Riddle

They are triplets, not twins.
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Three Men On A Boat

Hint: They have to use the boat.
They throw one cigarette overboard and made the boat a cigarette lighter.
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Sleeping Books Riddle

Between their covers.
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