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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Mid Life Crisis Riddle

They stay stuck in adolescence.
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Wall Clock Riddle

Before I left, I wound the wall clock. When I returned, the change in time it showed equaled the time it took to go to my friend's and return, plus the time I spent there. But I knew the latter, because I looked at my friend's watch both when I arrived and when I left. Subtracting the time of the visit from the time I was absent from my house, and dividing by 2, I obtained the time it took me to return home. I added this time to the time my friend's watch showed when I left, and set this sum on my wall clock.
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Jewish Coffee Riddle

Because according to the Torah He Brews!
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Abandoned Aquarium Riddle

Six, since no one is there to remove the 3 dead fish.
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Life's Biggest Problem Riddle

Credit or debt. Debt is a problem in many peoples lives, but in order to go to school or make a large purchase, it can be useful. As your debt grows older, its more unpleasant than useful.
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The Haunted Farmhouse

Cow-nt Dracula.
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Sam And Angela's Camping Trip

Angela first lit one mosquito coil at both ends and then lit the other on only one side. The coil which had been lit on both ends finished burning in one-half hour. At that point the second mosquito coil had one-half hour left to burn. Angela lit the second coil at the other end, and it finished burning fifteen minutes later. (45 minutes total)
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The Detective Trap Riddle

Detective Sara Dunts realized she had walked into a trap when she heard the extra set of footsteps. Hearing the footsteps on the stairs made her remember what her partner had said, "Mr. John Gooding had mysteriously vanished from his one story home." She then realized that this was not Mr. Goodings home because at that very moment she realized that she was climbing stairs in a supposedly one story house. Sara immediately called for backup and arrested Mrs. Glen. She then walked down the stairs to find Mr. Gooding near the bottom. The two had planned on kidnapping and killing Sara for putting Mr. Goodings niece and Mrs. Glens son in jail for murder. Both went to jail to serve their time.
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Marrying The Princess Riddle

Hint: You know that your competitors are very intelligent and want nothing more than to marry the princess. You also know that the king is a man of his word, and he has said that the test is a fair test of intelligence and bravery.
Answer: White.

The king would not select two white hats and one black hat. This would mean two princes would see one black hat and one white hat. You would be at a disadvantage if you were the only prince wearing a black hat.

If you were wearing the black hat, it would not take long for one of the other princes to deduce he was wearing a white hat.

If an intelligent prince saw a white hat and a black hat, he would eventually realize that the king would never select two black hats and one white hat. Any prince seeing two black hats would instantly know he was wearing a white hat. Therefore if a prince can see one black hat, he can work out he is wearing white.

Therefore the only fair test is for all three princes to be wearing white hats. After waiting some time just to be sure, you can safely assert you are wearing a white hat.
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Beach Workouts Riddle

By sucking in their stomach everytime they see a bikini.
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Tailored Farmer Riddle

With cabbage patches!
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Bill Gate's Home Riddle

He uses "windows".
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Captured By The Riddler

P3 can only be certain of his cap if 1 & 2 are both white. Since he is not certain then 1 & 2 must be either white/red or red/red. 2 knows this but the only combination that he will be able to know the colour of his own cap is if he sees that 1 is wearing a white cap. 1 knows this but as 2 remains uncertain then 1 must be wearing a red cap.
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Eating Burgers Riddle


More hours => more burgers.
More boys => more burgers.

The time become twice (3 hours / 1.5 hours).
Boys become six times (9 / 1.5).

Number of burgers = 2 * 6 * Original(1.5)
= 18
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2 Burning Candles

Burn one candle from both the ends and simultaneously burn the other candle from just one end. In half an hour, the first candle would have been burnt fully and the second one would have been burnt half. Now light the other end of the second candle as well. In this way, the second candle will take only half the time (30/2 = 15) to burn fully.

Thus, you will have measured forty five minutes.
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