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Riddles and Answers © 2024

I Am Second In The First One Riddle

Hint: Read the question carefully and understand it.
I am the letter I

The first Image is Gift and the Second image is confetti.

Given: I am second in the first one, and at the end of the second one, shown in the visuals.

The letter 'I' is second in the word Gift and the letter 'I' is at the end of the word Confetti.

Hence, The letter 'I' is the required answer.
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A Full One Puts A Smile On Your Face Riddle

A plate
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The Word You Need Is Hidden Near Riddle

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Clock Calculator Bulb Riddle

Find the value of one clock using the first equation. According to first equation, 9’o clock + 9’o clock + 3'o clock = 9 + 9 + 3 = 21.

Therefore; 1 Clock = 1

Using equation two, three calculators are equal to 30. Therefore, one calculator is equal to 10.

Also, the sum of numbers inside the calculator is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.

Therefore, the value of the calculator depends on the sum of the numbers inside it.

According to equation three, 1 Bulb + 1 Bulb - 1 Bulb = 15.

Cancelling out the + and -; we get 1 Bulb with five lights = 15
Therefore, one bulb with one light = 3.

Bulb with four lights = 4 x 3 = 12.

The final equation is - 9’o clock + Calculator (1+2+2+4) x 3 bulbs (with four light rays each)

Translating the final equation into numbers - 9 + (1+2+2+4) x 3(12)

9 + 9 x 36 = 9 + 324 = 333.

Answer to 'Watch Calculator bulb' puzzle is 333.
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If A Door Number Fitter Riddle

The answer is 20. Many people have been guessing anywhere from 9 to 19, but the correct answer is 20.
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I Am Free The First Time And Second Time Riddle

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We Turn It Off In The Morning Riddle

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A Woman Has Five Cousins Riddle

Hint: The expected answer to your riddle would be "Friday. "But that is not correct. And all the information you need to find the answer is contained within the riddle.
The name of the 5th is 'What.' As the riddle told you "What is the name of the fifth cousin." it was a statement, not a question.
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Riddle Of The Two Barbers

Both barbers must go to the other barber to get their haircuts. Since the first barber had a clean haircut, that means the second barber gives good haircuts and the first barber doesn't.
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What Comes Immediately Before Today Riddle

Hint: Determine what "Today" is, then work backwards until you determine the day in question.
MONDAY. "Today" is Sunday. Now, starting at Sunday and working backwards (from "the day before yesterday"), we have the following: - 2 + 3 -2 + 1 + 2 - 1 ...So, we go from Sunday to Fri. to Mon. to Sat. to Sun. to Tues. to MONDAY.
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Know Me Call Me For This Is How I Am Riddle

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A Blind Man Has 2 Red Pills And 2 Blue Pills Riddle

Break each of the pills in half, as you do this pop one half in your mouth and lay the other half aside for tomorrow. When he’s done this with all four pills he will have consumed one red pill and one blue pill. And have the same left over.
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A Man Gave One Son 10 Cents Riddle

1:45. The man gave away a total of 25 cents. He divided it between two people. Therefore, he gave a quarter to two.
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A Woman Was In Court For Killing Her Husband Riddle

The woman was watching the jury and not the doors because she knew that her husband wouldn't walk through them because she had killed him. If she has really missed him like she said, she would have been watching the doors.
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Cindy Has 5 Kids Riddle

The 5th kids name is What. "What is the name of the 5th kid."
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