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Riddles and Answers © 2024

Kidnapping The Queens Son

The Queen lives in a beautiful castle with her only son and a sheep-dog named Sir FooFoo. One day the Queen decides to go out for a spot of tea with some friends. She leaves her eight-year-old son in the care of her trusted servants. The 18 servants are: Harold the health instructor, Griffith the gardener, Tiffany the private tutor, Philip the photographer, Magdalina the maid, Boris the Butler, Geraldo the groundskeeper, Bernadette the barber, Sandy the sweeper, Anastasia the accountant, Constantine the carpenter, Joel the jester, Lucy the launderer, Sadie the seamstress, McKenzie the musical instructor, Lawrence the lawyer, Dorothy the dentist, Devon the doctor, and Surlamina the Secretary of State. When the Queen came home she discovered her son was missing and that he was kidnapped. The Queen came to a conclusion that it must've been one of her servants who kidnapped her son because he was too young to leave on his own and Sir FooFoo was harmless. The Queen interviewed all of her servants to see which one was responsible for the kidnapping. The alibis are as follows: Harold was lifting weights, Griffith was planting roses, Tiffany was checking homework, Philip was taking pictures of the botanical garden, Magdalina was making the beds, Boris was cleaning the banisters, Geraldo was supervising Griffith , Bernadette was trimming Sir FooFoo's hair, Sandy was sweeping in the corners, Anastasia was managing the Queen's affairs, Constantine was building a birdhouse, Joel was coming up with the jokes, Lucy was doing the laundry, Sadie was designing a dress for the Queen, McKenzie was playing the flute, Lawrence was suing the bank, Dorothy was preparing to extract the Queen's tooth when the Queen came home, Devon was examining an x-ray of the Queen's arm, and Surlamina was being a Secretary of State.

Who is the kidnapper?
Surlamina is responsible for the kidnapping because there is no Secretary of State in a monarchy. It is believed that Surlamina kidnapped the Queen's son because she was not given a real job.
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Something That Floats Riddle

A balloon
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I Kill People

A gun
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A Professional Sniper Riddle

He was being sniped with a BBgun.
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In Your Body For Free

Your teeth. You get baby teeth and adult teeth as part of the life package, but once you lose those you get to pay for dentures (or scare small children with your sunken face).
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Evacuating From A Hurricane Riddle

You give the car to your best friend. He takes the lady to the hospital in your car. You wait with the woman of your dreams until your friend comes back in his van which can carry 5 people. Then you leave before the hurricane comes.
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Facebook Llama Riddle Challenge

You will Open your Eyes first, then you will Open the door.
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The Alphabet Shorter At Christmas Riddle

The Christmas alphabet has no L (NOEL)
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Hangs On The Wall And Falls Riddle

A Barometer
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The Beginning Of Everything Riddle

The letter "E"
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What Do Cows Drink Riddle

Cows drink water.
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Chicken Fox And Grain Riddle

Take the chicken over first. Go back and bring the grain next, but instead of leaving the chicken with the grain, come back with the chicken. Leave the chicken on the first side and take the fox with you. Leave it on the other side with the grain. Finally, go back over and get the chicken and bring it over.
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12 Islanders Teeter Totter Riddle

Six on one side - six on the other = one side is heavier.

Take the heavier six men, divide them into three and three (random).

Three on one side - three on the other = one side will one heavier.

Divide that three men from the heavier side side, have one on one side - one on the other.

Two results can determine which of the last three men weight is a different weight than each other.

With the last group of three men, have two men go head-to-head. The see-saw will either weight different: one weights more than the other man meaning the heavier man is the "12th man" or the see-saw will balance between the two men because they are the same weight. That means the third man standing on the sidelines by default weights more than the last two men weighted. Thus making that man on the sidelines the "12th man" that weights more than other 11.

Heavier wins 6v6; winner gets divided. Heavier wins 3v3; winner gets divided. Heavier wins 1v1 (12th man) or Equal 1v1 = third man weight more, he's the 12th man.

You could find the same results changing the process and picking from the lighter group three times. You’re only trying to find the difference in weight. Not the exact weight (more or less) of that "12th man."

Lightest 6v6; Lightest 3v3; Lightest 1v1 or Equal 1v1 = third man weight less.
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20 Plus 20 Plus 20 Riddle

Use the number 5 three times, 55 + 5 = 60
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A Man Comes Home From Work Riddle

The Man was Blind so he suspects that his wife is in some danger and thus calls the police.
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